German Sense of Humor

I’d call It Happened more of a romance movie with comedy (not rom-com, because that genre sucks so badly in the last 20+ years), rather than a screwball comedy personally.

It can be two things.

Is It Happened One Night considered a screwball comedy? I always thought of it as more of a road movie.

On the list of things that I don’t understand, Bringing Up Baby being a huge flop that threatened to derail Katharine Hepburn’s career & her never doing another screwball comedy is pretty high up there. What a great movie. She even had great chemistry with the leopard

Exactly. Plus a Holiday Star Wars Movie has kinda become an established thing now.

Why aren’t we having Solo come out at Christmas like the last couple Star Wars movies?    I mean yearly Star Wars is already a bit much, but 6 months between Star Wars seems far to much Star Wars

Translation: Marvel is worried about “Infinity War opens below Black Panther” headlines, so is chasing a huge Worldwide Opening to deflect.

Like everything else about the Patriots, this story is listed as QUESTIONABLE.

I always thought that, if they’re going to put Wonder Woman on the big screen nowadays, they could do worse than pick Circe as her main opponent and do the whole Conan heroic-warrior-vs.-evil-wizard thing

Charlie Theron would be so much better.

That sort of sounds like it would be Wonder Woman’s equivalent to the storyline of the Black Panther movie- which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

I learned this from Drunk History.

Hey, at least Whitney’s version made Dolly several more mountain range-size piles of cash.

Because she wrote it.

Dolly’s “I will always love you” is far superior to Whitney’s version.

I have relatives that live in Sevier County, and in that part of the country the hierarchy is:

Don’t forget his villain-turns-good-guy in Flash Gordon!

And I never saw Baloo wearing pants!

Nah, Disney, hard TV-MA reboot on HBO. I’m talking orgies with people wearing the iconic helmet, people’s faces and limbs being graphically melted during jetpack malfunctions, and filthy blimp pirates. This shit sells itself!