German Sense of Humor

I have no idea who any of those people are EDIT: Ohhhhh they’re all actors from Freaks and Geeks, haven’t watched that yet, I feel like it will inevitably break my heart when I end up loving it and I burn through the episodes only to have to come to terms with yet another show cancelled before its time

Was that the porn spoof? 🤔

and whatever that heist movie with James McAvoy with amnesia was!

Can’t forget that Daley also was one of the screenwriters for Homecoming!

Silicone Valley is a big hit and Starr is pretty great in it.

Looks like this time instead of Nirvana they’ll have Naraka.

I’ve enjoyed pretty much everything John Francis Daley has written/directed. My baby boy Sam Weir is all grown *sheds a single tear*

Okay, now tentatively interested in something I wasn’t before.

All hail Cletus Van Damme.

In the meantime, Warner Bros is currently working on the L.A. Confidential Christopher Plummer cut.

“I’d like to think that the end of 5 and beginning of 6 were proof enough that Luke and Lorelai could be together and still be interesting”

Watching as an adult, Luke comes off like a lame indie kid/hipster who has to make things difficult and can’t admit to liking anything. It’s the main reason why so many of us have retroactive fondness for Max and Digger. They weren’t embarrassed by sincerity and they didn’t make things difficult. The Luke saga paints

Yeah, in a series where most of the characters live out some version of their dreams, Lane’s story is fairly sad.

Everything that occurs with Lane is disappointing. She got totally shafted throughout the series and then with the return is she just a housewife? Like I guess she’s a drummer in a local band that plays pub’s and whatever, but wow she just never ends up with anything? (I understand a happy marriage and kids is a fine

Given how utterly disinterested Rory is in Lane after they graduate high school, it’s kinda sad that Lane doesn’t have a better maid of honor choice.

BAM! Second Encore!

I would have preferred that, like how the Simpsons did a few episodes where the Bart and Lisa were in college years, or a little older. It would have been cool to advance it 5 or 10 years and show how a super hero would deal with high school, or seeing their kid go off to college.

Monsters University was great, although since you specified sequels and that one was a prequel I’m going to take your statement as an endorsement of Monsters University, which is a perfectly cromulent opinion to have

Weak sneak peek. Not unique, nor on fleek. Of it we mustn’t speak.

I think it will be good, just not what anyone was expecting. Personally I think it was a bad idea to place it so close to the original Incredibles from a time perspective; I feel like there’s more family narrative you could exploit from a timeskip. From the preview it looks like there’s much less of a focus on Violet