Fuck yeah, I still sing this every time one of my co-workers’ kids needs help with their math homework. Usually they stare at me like I’m nuts — but it’s the only math trick I know!
Fuck yeah, I still sing this every time one of my co-workers’ kids needs help with their math homework. Usually they stare at me like I’m nuts — but it’s the only math trick I know!
This song was absolutely the first thing that popped into my head when I read that headline. Thanks.
The best thing in the awful Fant4stic movie. RIP.
Thirty Helens agree.
They’re all working on the Untitled Gloverfield Movie.
“6 out of 7 Glovers recommend Black Panther for all your panthering needs.”
The animated series is the definitive onscreen version of the character too (it’s easier to get all the elements right in animation than it is in live-action), but as far as live-action goes, he Burton films are still my favourite.
I was 16, and I can still remember the massive hype surrounding that movie. I tuned in to the Academy Awards (which I never watch) just to see the trailer. I had already read “The Dark Knight Returns” and “The Killing Joke,” so I was prepared for grim-Tim levels of gothic violence.
Batman Returns and BTAS hit at just the right age, I mean they debuted three months apart 😂
I’m a little too young to remember the frenzy around the Burton films, but I was 5 when the animated series debuted and that will always be my definitive versions of those characters. And with the beauty of animation we’ve been lucky to have nearly 30 more years of Conroy and Hamill in their roles.
I remember Adam West being pissed about that too. He was stuck doing auto shows in the Batman suit at the time and expected to do the movie. Not the best point in his life.
I think in the 80s, the 60s seemed a lot more recent than, say, the 90s do today. I blame the smaller cultural landscape and ubiquity of reruns. It was a lot easier to be familiar with 20 year-old pop culture back then than it is today, so even the really dated stuff didn’t seem so dated (to a child).
Sort of like when I was 6 years old and absolutely shocked that George Washington had died almost 200 years ago. Not sure when my concept of time began to morph into its current state, honestly!
The animated version seems like something a lot of the fanboys and general public can agree on, for sure.
I remember being pissed that the new Batman film wouldn’t have Adam West in it.
Yup loved the show way too much in my early 20's along with Totally Spies (which was not as good). Between this Kingsmen and Spy apparently I’m a huge fan of the unlikely secret agent genre.
Hey, I watched that show as an assistant professor! Okay, ostensibly I watched it to have something to talk about with my niece who was obsessed with it for a couple of years, but I continued to watch it even after she moved on to other shows.
“For somebody who is supposedly a mad genius I’m not seeing much of the genius.” — Shego on Dr. Drakken being an idiot again.
Plus her whole family of Team Go superhero siblings: Christopher McDonald as Hego, Jere Burns as Mego, Fred Savage as the Wego twins (I had to look up the name Wego, but everything else was off the top of my head).
How do you not mention Will Friedle? I know he hasn’t done as much in live action since his Boy Meets World day, but he’s a really good voice actor.