It’s a TV movie so I have little hope, but that said this does come from the original creators so I do think they have an idea what to do.
It’s a TV movie so I have little hope, but that said this does come from the original creators so I do think they have an idea what to do.
They made a great Bundy mini-series in the 80's: Deliberate Stranger with Mark Harmon.
Whoever the guy was who played Donnie Pfaster on The X-Files. I think the character was Dahmer-inspired to begin with.
The guy who plays Klaus on The Vampire Diaries/The Originals looks disturbingly like a young Dahmer to me as well
I do remember a lot of talk about this last year. Although it may have been more local news since I live in the area of filming.
Ted Bundy would work better for a salacious TV movie, since he kille dmostly co-eds. And TV procedurals LOVE images of dead young women.
I wonder if the grisly nature of it, along with the sexuality situations, sort of made it a bit more taboo for filmmakers to consider in the early to mid 90's? They definitely tackled it later on in some form though, like you said, including another movie with Jeremy Renner in 2002.
i need to rewatch this film. it’s definitely been too long.
My favorite scene in the movie is when he’s in the car, listening to Rikki Don’t Lose That Number, and starts singing along. It’s a moment of release for such a tightly wound character, as well as a glimpse into a past he either can’t let himself miss, or never had.
I seem to remember Cameron Crowe being asked about why the Mahoney plot is in “Say Anything”, and him answering that if that wasn’t in the movie, he’d just be making “Pretty in Pink”.
Don’t forget he was Management in Burn Notice. He could play the asshole and he could play the comic. Loved him whenever he was on the screen. Rest well sir.
Yeah he’s fantastic in Say Anything. Too bad that movie (and his performance) seems to only be remembered for the nostalgia factor and the “In Your Eyes” scene.
Cusack admitting he’s not going to figure out his entire future while sitting at Mr. Court’s dining room table is one of my favorite parts of that movie. Plus of course “I’m incarcerated, Lloyd!”
Came here to say the same thing. He plays the rarest of all possible characters in teen romantic comedies: An intelligent, three-dimensional parent. And his subplot is not strange. It provides Skye’s character, and Cusack’s, a view of the adult world. She loves her dad but realizes he isn’t the perfect man she always…
Also the Rocky movies. That’s how Bart Simpson learned!
The story in no way requires a years-long retreat from public life. Most people in the #MeToo world agree with that. The sum total of allegations against Ansari is one shitty date where he was a pushy horny asshole. That is not sexual assault or workplace harassment. Men should be held to a higher standard…
This has got to be the biggest get in Random Roles history, right?’s that Cress Williams, yeah, surprised Hart Of Dixie (which was a fun show that is the rarest bird in Hollywood, a show that did not overstay its welcome) was not mentioned. I am now even more psyched to see this (I already planned to see but this review just makes sure I will not forget to hit create One Pass…
Yeah, that surprised me that they didn’t quote Hart of Dixie specifically when they were listing what he’s an alum of, especially as it’s on the same network (he was a great Mayor).