Since I know a lot of readers enjoy the behind-the-scenes moments, here’s how this interview went down:
Since I know a lot of readers enjoy the behind-the-scenes moments, here’s how this interview went down:
Awesome: in a last-second bid to up 2017’s descent level of shittiness, I get my very own troll.
“He’s like Avril Lavigne, except instead of skater boys, he sings about dying and shipyards.”
- Stephen Colbert, talking about Elvis Costello, in The Greatest Gift Of All
Not really sure why you’re so up in arms about the fact that I didn’t mention a number of specifics that weren’t relevant to the conversation at hand, but for what it’s worth, I am well familiar with The Comic Strip, having watched the episodes when MTV aired them on Sunday evenings back in the late ‘80s. But the fact…
Obviously, he’s responsible for the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum theft.
This Halloween — Get Off His Lawn!
That season six ending made me so angry I literally stopped watching the show. To this day, I haven’t watched the seventh season. Fucking Christopher.
I just finished a rewatch and I completely agree with you 7 may be flawed but at least for me it was more fun and treated the characters better than 6. Though I will add if there is one character who actually benefits from 6 and 7 it is Logan. While everyone else is spiralling in 6, Logan actually comes into his own…
I’ve never minded S7 so much but then I didn’t find Lorelai’s actions at the end of S6 out of character.
Lorelei’s version of “I Will Always Love You” in season 7 is easily a top 5 Gilmore Girls moment for me (and probably my favourite performance of it ever).
His Ip Man was a whoop-ass by himself. Just think of him, but Jedi. Would probably turn the tide during Order 66.
I’ve long had a huge crush on Donnie Yen, so I’m very grateful for Rogue One giving me a movie I can point people to when they have no idea who he is.
Does “close this column” mean next month is the last entry ever? I hope not!
I too am worried about that, but above all else, Disney is a company. Hopefully they see the fact that Deadpool was the highest grossing R-rated movie ever as a reason to stick with what works.
Once Upon a Holiday with Briana Evigan I found the most enjoyable of the Hallmark princess rom-coms mostly because it was about a character trying to escape a saccharine princess fantasy rather than retreating into one.
My daughter who was home sick yesterday was not that interested, frankly. But she loves 12 Dates Of Christmas (also on Netflix), once calling it “the greatest movie I’ve ever seen in my life”
I’m very disappointed that A Christmas Prince isn’t about our favorite Minnesota rocker teaming up with Santa to deliver toys to all the good children and sensual loving to all the good ladies.
I recently saw an article about a Hallmark Christmas movie drinking game. This would get me, a seasoned drinker, blatheringly drunk in mere minutes, it appears.