German Sense of Humor

If Coogler was involved, in any way beyond being an Executive Producer, than I would be excited because the guy is a major talent.

I was really impressed with Creed. There was a high level of difficulty with that film and, while not perfect, Coogler really did amazing work. That said, there isn’t a need for a Creed 2 just like there wasn’t any need for sequels to Rocky and those sequels, while sometimes really fun, detracted from the original.


Honestly the main thing I’m hoping for is Costume Design, for Zoya’s magnificent ring gear. 

Surprised/disappointed that was GLOW’s only nod. 

Hopefully at least a screenplay nomination, though Stewart absolutely gave an outstanding performance in that one.  I don’t think Hollywood is ready to legitimize comic book movies like that yet, though.

That would have been cool. Every award season is about holding out a little hope that genre stuff gets the recognition if deserves and then being disappointed.

I’m also totally the weirdo who would gush to Hamill about his voice acting roles as the Joker or Skips from Regular Show rather than Star Wars, either that or his guest role on Simpsons or Muppet Show which are Star Wars adjacent

Yeah, but after that scene with all the dinosaurs falling into the water he shows up with his buddy Steve Zissou and saves everybody

Eh sounds like a better movie to me.

Goldblum with a dinosaur head actually sounds like a fine ending. Or Goldblum’s head on a dinosaur body. Either one works.

Goldblum somehow finds a way.

Well hopefully he’ll also beat Roy Moore. :)

Inglorious Bat’leths

Kill Spock

Is there a sign on my garage that says “Dead Klingon Storage”?

Slightly OT: Why TF was not Carrie Fisher mentioned once, All the yakking and joking? Kimmel mentioned Leia once late in the the session, to no reaction from the guests.

I mean, I think GG was one of her first acting auditions, if not her very first. There’s definitely some improvement as the seasons progress. And now she has an Emmy.

Uhhh not necessarily. Alexis Bledel was very good on the Handmaid’s Tale. I do agree that she wasn’t able to grasp Rory completely. When she plays roles that play to her strengths (see: Handmaid’s Tale) she’s actually very good. GG didn’t.

The next two episodes are going to be brutal. Man did I want someone to tear down Rory so bad for being the ultimate spoilt asshole that she actually is.

I like the way “few fewer” sounded. Sue me.