Weak Tea

Coolant filled above MAX line. CP

When you buy or stream a song you’re paying for the right to listen to yourself, not to perform it publicly.

They also make for a great pet ‘airlock’ when you’re trying to get into the house with your hands full of groceries and stuff. Outer door closed before the inner one opens and you don’t have t worry about the dog running out into traffic

I was going to say a Chrysler 200 Limited. Same engine basically as the base Challenger, FWD for Rochester weather, four doors, and roomy enough for babies and hockey bags. Plus four doors.
Pretty easy to work on, too. Except for that stupid upper bolt on the rear brakes that you can barley get to without unhooking the

Experiment 1:
64 men from Amazon Mechanical Turk. 9 failed their attention test (“As an attention check, participants were asked five times throughout the study to choose a particular answer choice to indicate they were paying attention”) leaving 55.

Experiment 2:
91 men and 106 women from Mechanical Turk, after weeding

But you forgot about
IV) People (the general public) are dumb about cars
I could totally see a bunch of people trading in their crossovers for perceived fuel economy reasons without ever bothering to measure the fuel economy they’re getting or t look up EPA or Consumer Reports/other testing numbers.

These aren’t Tigers, they’re Mexico 66's. The mexico 66 has a flatter sole and a different fit - I like my 66's a lot more than my Tigers

Reefer trucks have a separate engine to run the climate control in the box or trailer. They don’t run off the truck’s engine.

The crew on board don’t know how many passengers they have until the doors close. There is the scheduled number, but then that’s minus no-shows and plus stand-by’s. The gate agents handle that and the flight crew only get a finalized list when the gate agent closes the flight.
Until the flight closes the flight crew

I think LiDAR can already probably handle snow and rain better that human vision.

This article has views of Mayan cities with a regular camera and via LiDAR. They speak for themselves:

Why shouldn’t I be allowed to park in the lobby of City Hall THAT I PAY FOR WITH MY TAXES?

The DOJ has been severely incompetent in redacting before. Things like ‘redacting’ a document by setting the text color to black and the background color to black. Which won’t stop anybody from hitting Ctrl+A and pasting it into Notepad or another simple editor that doesn’t support anything but black text on a white

I’ve got a ‘13 200 Limited, keep mine on Auto, and my lights turn on when I have my wipers on.

Someone should start a change.org petition to reinstate him

Firing a gun in random directions in a crowded urban area is not stupidity. We do it every weekend where I am, in pretty sizeable crowds. People enjoy it, and it keeps gun culture alive in a place with no nearby firing ranges.”

That’s how dumb you sound.

To funnel our money into the pockets of the fatcat executives in the drycleaning-industrial complex.

No, there is one. It’s in the food court, F5 on this map

Seconded. This would be NP all the way if this were a private party ad, but I went with CP because of the dealer.

I got a 12v oil pump from Amazon. It cost about $15 I think. It has clamps that hook onto the battery terminals for power, so no manual pumping. And I keep the jugs from the last oil change to pump the old oil into. It’s worked pretty well so far.