“want to” ehhh debateable... maybe “have to” could be substituted
“want to” ehhh debateable... maybe “have to” could be substituted
Wow he showed that fan. Don’t tell him about Sports Talk Radio, because he may not have the lifespan to beat up everyone else with an opinion
The miracle of modern medicine.
The trolls win again. Amazing how someone can be so wrong yet create this firestorm. 1. If you hear the n word you need your hearing checked 2. Let’s just all have a day where we say it and bury it and get these fake drama episodes over with. It’s way too easy to provoke with this. What trolls cannot do is counteract…
I mean what is he doing that Snowden isn’t?
“I’m also good at making out and dry humping,” the 67 year old 7th grader went on to say.
My first H1Z1 win was without a kill. Ghillie suit just waiting for the last guy but he died to gas somehow. I guess I need to record my shit and get these internet fame points
What I am amazed about is how the wealthy ever lose their grip at all. eSports should make new millionaires, but instead old ones see the market finally being built by hard work enough to step in and just buy it out. How did the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Astors, all manage to slip? They are still “rich” but not…
I’ve never seen someone brag so hard about paying full retail for a new car, yet that is exactly how this one read. The salesman fucking made his quota on this schmuck, and he has the balls to pretend it was the SMARTEST MOVE EVER MADE™
I have this belief that business people are actually so stupid as a whole that it…
What’s the media’s stance on Streamers getting codes early? I don’t mean beta periods, but recently there have been games at the top of Twitch that weren’t available for purchase until the next day. Perhaps they are just pre launch hyping, and it isn’t simultaneous with review keys, but I am not involved so I cannot…
That walk tho... The ol pre twerk tiny kicks
Because her Teen Wolf hair is rooted directly in her brain
Why are we interested in a drunk person naked on a shark? I mean if you want more pictures like this, there is a whole internet out there.
Those are some fat wrists. Show us your wrists coach
“Heritage not hate!” Says no Nazi flag waver because Germans seem to be able to handle their history without a tantrum
They serve us first. Both of them. Don’t give up your authority and status to one of these guys below you.
You said they were grooving. Is that what White people call grooving?
App reviews should include their size. Why doesn’t this happen? Phones crammed with apps already...