
Eh, he was really about to go for it for a second there

Darn these unfoolable Americans! This used to be easy!

He’s not running in 2020, you can move on to Warren now.


Now there is coffee all over my desk.

I mean we went through this with the ACA too. This IS what staffers are for, as even the fastest reader in the world could not read every word of each bill that makes it to the floor of congress. It is more important to grill Congress on whether they UNDERSTAND what is in the bill, rather than the cheap lazy news

I bet there’s some obscure Reconstruction law out there that punishes States that allow this treason to continue

There’s no chance it makes it through the Senate, so you have that.

Prior to his celebration over the health care vote, Trump signed an executive order that instructs the Internal Revenue Service to “relax enforcement of rules barring tax-exempt churches from participating in politics.”

Government of the Corporations, by the Corporations, for the Corporations

Just the NFL getting a city to enforce their own made up rules like they are actual law.

Surprised he would be allowed to become a minister... churches pull in a lot of untraceable cash every week... :/

They’re moving away from that. Enjoy your jokes while they last!

Who said he didn’t make a few copiesIHaveWatchedAFew90sMovies

Maybe there are more men than women at the game, and maybe the Oilers have the data to prove it. If that’s the case, it would make a certain amount of sense to skew the bathrooms proportionally.

See-through steel

Man it sucks that he cursed us. Someday we will win the WS though, we just have to!

Is there a way to day drink where you can avoid a nap at 6pm?

Or maybe there’s something about the personality of a person who highlights their college acceptance letter that hints at why she has been written off. IDC how much money Elizabeth Holmes or Martin Shkreli has, I wouldn’t have gone with them to prom either. These stories are cute when they take something of value,

A few years ago my wife and I moved from urban Wisconsin

Memes don’t count as “A dialogue”

How to obstruct government 101: Hand over control of every branch of government to the GOP?