You can cosplay as a black person without painting your skin/putting on a wig like that. People do it all the time. I couldn’t even tell that was supposed to be an Eddie Murphy cosplay until I took a look at the comparison picture.
You can cosplay as a black person without painting your skin/putting on a wig like that. People do it all the time. I couldn’t even tell that was supposed to be an Eddie Murphy cosplay until I took a look at the comparison picture.
The mark of adulthood isn’t being married or having kids or having a 401(k), it’s accepting (even embracing!) that not everything is supposed to be tailored to you in particular.
Depends on if it stops his other victims (let’s not kid ourselves, if there’s one, there’s more) from coming out or the paper backs down from an article they researched for seven months just because the guilty party killed himself to avoid justice and scorn. All sorts of criminals commit suicide when cornered, that…
There’s a lot more going on with his suicide than just him being exposed as a rapist. I say this because there is going to be an avalanche of blame (and harassment and worse) directed at his victim. Before he blessedly relieved the Earth of his presence, a local public radio station was publishing an ongoing…
I’m mostly vegetarian, often vegan and sometime pescitarian (because WTF are labels if we all just do the best we can or want to do). I also volunteered for many years at a high-kill animal control facility and fostered many pups and kits. Vegan shelter pets? NO. NO. NO. Shelters have enough to deal with and too…
Dogs are omnivores, not carnivores.
Yes, we voters need to learn how important every election is, every single one.
This fucking greasy knob and his inability to understand that anything said on the internet lives forever and is easily verifiable.
While white women overall voted for Moore 63 to 34, when you break out evangelical vs non, you get evangelical white women 76 - 22 Moore; non-evangelical white women 74 - 21 Jones. A clue right there
We’re getting to a point where the mistake is more that white liberals think it’s possible *to* fix their house. The myth of the reformed Trump voter is just that.
I appreciate your response.
I’m not going to blame the brand, because I can guarantee you this was the work of some little dipshit MAGA troll in advertising who did this and is probably having a real big fucking laugh over it with his 4chan buds right now. I mean, why is there even a fucking janitor there in the first place? It’s completely out…
The pro-life party, yo.
Pedophiles in Hollywood?! You mean the industry that took Shirley Temple to bars so much they named a drink after her and never blinked at J. D. Salinger’s 15 year old girl friend and keeps putting 12 year olds in hooker outfits in movies and music videos has a problem with pedophilia?! No fucking way!!!!
I agree. In addition, we only have to look at every pedophilia scandal that has come to light to see that those in power will virtually always protect abusers rather than protecting kids. Just look at Penn State, or the Catholic Church, or any one of the scores of schools with a teacher or coach who was abusing kids,…
Because the ones that are can’t compete on price with the ones that aren’t. As long as price is the main concern for most consumers it’s going to be hard to change this.
You need to try associative training.
Whenever you crave sugar, drop a kettlebell on your foot.
Soon you’ll stop craving kettlebells!
My friend and I went to school as Beavis and Butt-Head and we got detention for a week. The following year, I went as William Blake and preached damnation to all the students. That was totally cool by the way.
Can we stop being amazed by corporate Twitters already? Millenials break free of Madison Avenue’s influence, only to be gulled by its stupider, cheaper Internet analogue.
i’m an autistic woman and i’ve tried to have this conversation with that particular commenter before—he is very stuck in his mindset and very limited in his ability to imagine other people’s perspectives, and he’s a terrible listener when the speaker/typer is female. these factors don’t bode well to make this guy less…