I bet a forensic search of his home computer would end in federal charges.
I bet a forensic search of his home computer would end in federal charges.
Only if it contains a fragment of Lord Voldemort’s soul.
Of course he won’t date Korean women. So...this guy’s thesis is basically that the only thing wrong with white supremacy is that he doesn’t get to play?
Classic pro-birth logic. Fetus = precious child. 11 year old girl who was the victim of a horrific sexual assault = trash. And how many of the people who made this happen secretly believe the little girl was asking for it?
This. A thousand times this. And I don’t think the internet people cooing “oooh!!!! I want one!!!” have ever smelled possum poop.
From a biological perspective, they are absolutely fascinating. I think we don’t think about how bizarre they are because they’re everywhere.
The smell is horrible! I grew up on a farm, where my mother is still trapping possums out of the chicken barn (live traps, for the record - little buggers get hauled off into the pastures for release), and possum poop is the foulest thing I have ever smelled. It’s like cat poop times fifty. That said, they are kind…
Cut the BS, Christie. We all know you just didn’t want to drop your ice cream.
I have a friend who, whenever her kid is sick, posts photos of said child lying on the couch and describes her condition in detail. I, at least, would have been horribly embarrassed at any age. The kid is in freaking grade school at this point; it’s only a matter of time before she a) finds out and flips out about…
Late capitalism. We’re all going to hell in a poop-shaped handbasket.
Damn. I’d forgotten how that whole self defense, stand your ground thing was only for white men.
Agreed. While my (to use the book’s term) unfuckability problems are different than Plum’s, that section where she recalls the reason she ended up on antidepressants in college was so, so visceral.
Just wait until you get to the part where Rose sneers at Ma and Mary for being content with so little.
Even with the whitewashing, when I reread the books as an adult, I remember thinking Pa made a lot of really crazy decisions.
I actually couldn’t finish that one. Not because it was bad, but because I wanted so badly for it to be real.
I don’t like to use the c word, but that’s the only possible descriptor for Rose Wilder Lane.
I hated this movie so much. Even in the immature, hicksville, opposite of what the kids call woke phase I was in when it came out, I still got furious about her “I went to this temple and I didn’t feel anything” bs. Of course you didn’t, honey. It’s not FOR you.
How the HELL is this guy still practicing medicine?