Ms. Njalsson

I’m of the view there’s no appropriate time to release a film like this and maybe we can stop making films that pedal the fantasy that any teenage girl would be interested in gross older guys altogether. The fantasy is entirely ONE-SIDED.

Conservatives don’t support the troops. They love the idea of supporting the troops, but when push comes to shove, they will always prefer a dead “hero” to a live veteran.

This was my first thought after a little rage stroke, too. My heart sank when I saw a photo of Sgt. Johnson on a different news outlet before coming here, because I just knew Cheetolini’s comments would be a hundred times more insensitive because the soldiers was black. “He knew what he he was getting into” just feels

Now now... Who are you going to believe? A fallen soldier’s grieving family or a man with a history of lying and a documented history of attacking the grieving family of a fallen soldier?

Race is...not completely unrelated to this, right? He’s a tremendously selfish person in general, but every time I hear someone claim he just likes to dog whistle the racists, he has a moment like this and it’s really clear he hates black people in a very personal way.

Actually, *clears mansplanation throat* it’s about the hero’s journey to avenge the death/rape/kidnapping/theft of his property.

“I’ve written them personal letters. They’ve been sent, or they’re going out tonight,” the president told reporters. “But they were written during the weekend.”

“If you were a blond, full-figured alien, would you feel comfortable dropping by here?”

This is just throwing the odd bone here and there to give their supporters enough ammo to go “look, they aren’t racist/sexist etc etc because they investigated x” and give the veneer of protecting rights rather than removing them from others.

I think he is mentally ill like most true conservatives and racists. They suffer from a high level of paranoia and neuroses and, as we see in the last bit here, delusions that are either self-serving for attention or come from psychosis.

You make a very important distinction that I think is lost.

Let’s imagine I wanted to write a story about my father. I go about doing the work, and then I find out that someone I don’t know is also doing a story about my father. I might very well be a bit indignant, because I’d feel as though someone would be profiting

I hate to take the wind out of my own community’s sail here, but as an academic, specifically a film historian and archivist myself, the plain truth is legally and academic ethics wise nobody mentioned here at all owns Martha’s story.

I was adopted as an infant, but know my biological family and I totally agree.

I’m an adult now with a good life, but I was a child with a mother like the women in these stories. She was stripped of her parental rights by a Midwestern state in the early 90s. I don’t know how much you all know about the Midwest, but for my home state to decide that a woman was not fit to parent, her behavior had

We all make jokes about growing up to be our parents, but it’s really true. For all the talk of people escaping the faults of their parents, most never will. There’s a reason other than genetics and poverty why crime, mental illness, abuse, neglect, etc run in families.

Ok, here goes. Writing this out makes me want to barf. 

No one owns Marsha P. Johnson’s story. She’s an important historical figure. This is something that people need to start understanding. You can’t legally claim stories, and it’s difficult to even morally claim stories because all of our stories intertwine with each other.

What you can claim is your labor. However, it

Around five years ago, I was a TA for an undergraduate literature course that had 300 students; there were two TAs and our job was mostly to do grading (sigh) and hand out exams and set up PowerPoints and stuff of that nature. Basically, assist the professor in all manner of tedium while she lectured. Due to a

I wrote about a different creepy thing last year that happened in this same house, but I can’t find that post anymore (Thanks, Kinja!). Anyway, here’s another one that happened about a year before that other one.

This is gonna make me very unpopular but...