Ms. Njalsson

That woman had beautiful eyebrows... Until Obamacare took them and grafted them onto an illegal immigrant.

I generally consider Baptists, reformed and Pentecostals to be evangelical protestants and Methodists, Lutherans, and Episcopalians to be “normal” protestants. It may seem like I am splitting hairs, but I never had a Methodist, Lutheran, or Episcopalian pastor tell me my gay cousin was going to hell, I’m sinning

I can’t exactly put into words why this is so frightening, but here’s a bunch of White House interns giggling

It’s like a sporting event where you hate both competitors. Mutual destruction is the ideal outcome.

How is this a bad thing?

How did you manage when you don’t share a gender?!?

Any association with the qualities held by a woman is automatically degrading to many men. And if you think about what that says about our cultural mindset your brain might actually try to claw its way free of your head.

Yes, who will boys look up to now? It’s not like there are that many powerful male figures in entertainment, especially in the sci-fi realm. WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE BOY CHILDREN?!?

While I’m not sure I’d agree with your first point, I think your second is quite accurate. Women’s bodies react very differently to the same stimuli. It’s why conversations like this article are helpful to a degree but not as much as they should be, because it’s the classic case of YMMV.

I was a sophomore in college and was enrolled in my International Relations 101 class for my major that semester. We had class scheduled for the next day, which I went to (in L.A. and 3,000 miles away, so campus wasn’t closed). That class was PACKED and literally had people spilling out of the auditorium. Which meant

“When you are bought by your parents to a kindergarten do you mix with the people who are waiting in the same room to start going to a classroom?”

You’re talking to a Trumper. No one else uses ‘outsider president’ or ‘deep state’ seriously. You’re not getting through to it.

Congratulations. You have just demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of how an FBI investigation works. I can only assume you get your information through osmosis of tv procedurals.

“You’re living in the biggest scandal in American history, and ironically it has very little to do with goofball Trump.”

Your opening sentence is confusing. When was the fact that “there was no collusion” announced? I missed that announcement. Are you proclaiming to be one of the lead investigators and are announcing this in the comment section on Jezebel?


Exactly. The funds are just not there for handling this properly. That doesn’t make taking the kids into foster care and adopting them out (the likely outcome for any children under 2) the morally pure choice, but it’s the most practical choice in the system we currently have. That sucks, and it needs to be fixed.


I think it’s unfair to call her father an ass. He was helping her raise her twin sons while also taking care of his wife with Alzheimer’s (who was also helping out with the twins, despite her condition), which was why her IQ wasn’t brought up previously. His wife died a week before her third son was born and he

No offense but unless we have the details of the case, we have no idea what occurred or why. Parents always run to the media and they are very often telling us what we want to hear. In the UK where I am, one family put up such a stink that they actually managed to sue and win an apology against the social workers