
@k2001: - That isn't what the polls say. Every poll I've read overwhelmingly shows the American people want manned space exploration to continue. We can only do so much with drones. Humans naturally are curious and are willing to risk life and limb to be the first to see or experience what others haven't. We must

@jojo13jojo233: And you... You must be easily ammused... "my friend".

@d1zzle: - You couldn't be more wrong. I bashed Bush for his spending and other misdeeds as well. You have no idea who you're talking to. You know nothing about me. I'm not blinded by political labels and could care less what a politician's party is. I expect them all to do the right thing while they're in office and

I love Calvin "piss on" stickers. I have one on the back glass of my custom ordered 2006 Mustang GT. It's Calvin pissing on the DNC. Of course the license plate is custom as well. It reads "IN CASH".

Hey Adam, what part of "TOO

@verziehenone: Well, correct me if I'm wrong but Apple never said they would dominate the cell phone market with the iPhone or OS did they? They have simply set in motion a direction that almost every cell phone manufacturer now is trying to copy or emulate and some have been successful.

@Graviton1066: - No, it isn't "fanboyism", it's called being employed by one of the companies mentioned in the article and seeing the stark differences in opinion of which way Apple should have gone and the direction they did go.

@FrankenPC: - No, that was largest cell phone company by having more customers than Verizon. I'm also fully aware the contract with Apple expires in 2012. AT&T isn't worried about the iPhone leaving and we're pretty excited about being the premier WP7 provider in the US and having other smart devices beside cell

This just proves you can't mix booze and rednecks without bad things happening. BTW, what are they putting in those nuggets to make people go APE SHIT for them? I don't get it.

Look Ma, none of this is happening on any of the iOS devices. What gives?

@FrankenPC: - That's funny you say that. There is an article on our (AT&T) internal home page from yesterday that says AT&T will surpass Verizon in 2011 as the largest cell company. That wasn't written by AT&T either. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I'm sorry but this rant is just that, a rant. You try to make it sound like Apple and AT&T conspired to keep the iPhone away from Verizon and other providers from the start. Apple went to Verizon first and they were turned down and Apple would have been stupid to release it on just T-Mobile or Sprint. That's not

@uncle_jojo: - I recommend you go to an AT&T store and look at the service for yourself. What you see in the store is what you'll get at home. I have everything they offer with my service and couldn't be happier with it.

@BigAeroMan: - Yeah, it's only available to U-Verse subscribers. That shocks you? A company giving something to it's customers/subscribers of a service so they can enjoy it, to a small degree, outside of the home. Let me guess, you think it should available to everyone don't you?

Correction... U-Verse is not "Cable" it's IPTV. I just thought I should throw that out there. Thanks for your time.

MY GOD MAN! How many of these articles is there going to be? I would go through all the hoopla about Apple and AT&T still being under contract, but everyone knows this but for some reason just wants to act like they don't. WOW!

Thank God. Cause I'm a veergin. No wait, a weergen. Damn it! a vegan. I can't even spell it, let alone be one. Good luck to those.... things.

Next, they should drill the chamber under the Sphinx's paw and see what's in it. They've known that chamber was there for years too and have yet to see what's inside. I think this stuff is great. I also think we've been duped through the years and we really don't even know our true history. With all the parts of the

To hell with "V". I want Flash Forward back. I can't believe they dropped it and kept "V".

@Sprzout: - You beat me to it. I was thinking the same thing. How is he keeping the devices cool? I know you couldn't put a PS3 in there and expect it to last. There would HAVE to be a way to cycle cool air through there.