
@—Core—: - Most defiantly. The computing power of quantum computers will dwarf anything you've seen today and for years to come.

After reading this I'll proudly walk out of the house today, wearing my AT&T gear, driving my AT&T van on my way to fix some broken stuff. All in a day's work.

@—Core—: - Look at it this way... There could be computers in everything. like a coffee cup for example. If you're low on coffee your cup could notify a waitress to fill it. If you were in your car your clothes could tell your car what mood you're in by monitoring your vital signs and adjust the music to calm you

@Michai: I installed large PBX systems, big cabling jobs etc, years ago. At that time we used a lot of 900 pair copper cables and would pull in fiber with it. So most of the stuff we did with fiber optics at that time was for future expansion and wasn't even used. We installed a new system for a hospital in Pensacola


I was splicing fiber optics way before fusion splicing ever came to be. Mechanical was the latest and greatest at the time but it was so frustrating. All it takes is one micro fracture and not only do you have to re-splice that particular fiber but every one before it so all the fibers are the same length. I'm looking

Wait a damn minute there... I resemble that remark. Well, I never...

@Irina Wylder: - Well, it would be better if I left that one alone. But, a person could rely on a "professional" hardware handler. :)

I work for AT&T and trust me... they wont have anything to do with a "joint". They're no fun at all.

I can hear it now... What do you want to be when you grow up son? I want to be... a TABLE dad, yeah, that's what I want to be. That would be great , I could just sit in the living room all day and watch TV, hold people's drinks. That'd be great dad.

@Irina Wylder: - But think about it. Quantum computing will be so small you wont see it. Computers could literally be in everything. That type of thing is heaven to us geeks.

@—Core—: - I didn't say I was looking forward to the first quantum computer, I said, I felt we weren't far from it. Quantum computing is going to be the only way to truly have the interactive world we've seen in movies for one example. Once computing goes to molecular level. There will be no limits on what we can do.

Naw, I've had the crab's before and it wasn't fun. If you don't mind I'll... wait, what was that again?

Oh C'mon. We know if they landed in Mexico they would be deported immediately. Mexico doesn't allow anyone to come there without papers, not even alien aliens. No wait...

To hell with this. When are we going to have the ability to say "computer" then have it do whatever we want it to? C'mon guy's, we want.

OH great! What happens when some numb skull spills his beer on it and the entire entertainment system comes down on someone? At least we do know cinder blocks and planks wont fall like a house of cards. No thanks.

I read about this 10 years ago in a telecommunication magazine. The components at that time were much bigger but it was impressive none the less. What still amazes me is the overall size of the chip itself. It's basically a "MUX" on a chip and it's no bigger than what we're already using and will get smaller. I feel

Wait a minute. Now we know why Vader robbed that bank now don't we?