
@WilliamTheFifth: - You really think everyone in that organization was from the Bush admin.? Do a little research would you?

@tenazrael: - I'm not trying to say it's more of one person than the other. But to put this squarely on everyone's shoulders but obama is ridiculous. The man-child needs to step up to the plate for once and do his job, not what's politically best.

@siwex80: - You do know obama got more money from oil companies than Bush did, don't you? obama isn't going to do anything but talk out of both sides of his mouth like everyone else in washington.

@siwex80: - OK. So tell me. When does obama and HIS people or the people he puts in charge start taking responsibility for things? You can't keep saying it's Bush's fault.

@Mihara: - What is wrong with keeping the characters like they were originally? I don't understand the political correctness that is being forced down our throats on a daily basis. Let me guess, this is all about fairness no matter how bad they screw it up, huh?

@FriedPeeps: - No he didn't. Norton and his agent were in discussions about the roll with the studio, he said he wanted to play it, he thought he was going to play it. Then his agent gets a call and they told him they were going in another direction and wouldn't be using Norton. Some rumors point toward money, but no

@Critifuragain: - I caught that show at the Six Flags over Texas and it was a blast, literally. My wife at the time was bitching about going to it but I talked her into it. She was more blown away than I was.

If they (BP) were doing this type of stuff, why did the obama administration pass them in it's inspection earlier this year and give them a certificate or compliance. Correct me if I'm wrong on this but something isn't right. I think there is more to this than anyone in the general public will ever know.

@vsound: - OK then. What you meant to say is... You wish they would upgrade their network in your area of the country. Nothing wrong with that. I live in the Midwest and, as I stated, have had minimal problems with the coverage and speed but I couldn't begin to judge how good or bad the service is in parts of the

@vsound: - What do you mean "everywhere"? Are you honestly trying to say that AT&T's network nation-wide is as bad as their network in NYC? Or are you referring to their coverage in Tenn.? I ask because I use AT&T and are extremely happy with my coverage and speed. I should tell you I work for AT&T but that doesn't

He should have felt the need, the need for speed.

@thatdecade: - Well, I guess that's true. However, I work for AT&T and I know we are still counting on having the iPhone exclusively for about 2 more years (give or take) so if something did happen to change it, it would be news to us.

So that 5 year deal AT&T and Apple have means nothing at this point, right? I just don't understand how these rumors keep coming out and people grab them and run with it, getting a lot of people worked up then BOOM! Oh never mind, they still have two more years on AT&T.

@dennizvu: - I thought that was 3 things. WD-40, Duct tape and Vise Grips. At least it was in Grand Torino, Clint Eastwood says. Go figure

@jinlee: - I could care less what you believe and it ISN'T called a backbone network, moron. There is however backbone fiber within our infrastructure. I deal with it and the MUX's that deliver U-Verse, DSL, dial tone, T1's, T3's etc, every day. So if you're gonna say it, say it right. You sound like a fool when you

@jinlee: You don't have to explain anything, it was a rhetorical question. Don't be so defensive. I'm simply stating that your coworker doesn't know as much about our network as he would like to think and your terminology was a little funny. I deal with it every day so I know what shape it's in and I can tell you, our

@Krobar: I heard his radio signal all but went away... I don't know.

@snorkelingsarcosuchus001: - No doubt right. The irony is, these days, a person would end up paying twice the price for the car if you used cash. I'm gonna see what my local dealership will say when I try doing this for a new car right off the lott. Be right back...