
@Obtuse: - One Red Paperclip was the first thing I thought of when I saw the name of the article. Both of these guys have some gumption though.

@jinlee: I'm curious. What is a backbone network? I think your "co-worker" may be stretching the truth a little. With all the years I've been with AT&T and I've never seen anything like what you're describing here, on any network we maintain.

@The_Vitto: - POW! Take that, every one of you black strip touching fools!

But does it touch that little strippy thingy? I would hate to miss a call while... never mind...

@Turkieshooter: - Yeah sure, I can help. He has eye-bugout disease. POW! that was easy.

@The_Vitto: - So what are you saying? That people who touch the black strip are idiot's? ;)

@sarynkitamo: - So it isn't possible to get a little sun or step into or lay down in a tanning both? What in the world are you trying to say?

I'm afraid some of that might rub off on me. EEWWW!

I hate to say it but I live in Kansas and this church, if you want to call it that, is an embarrassment to the entire state. If you've ever listened to what these hate-monger and vile members say, you'd know they don't follow the word of God. They spew the distorted view of fred phelps and he isn't that enlightened.

What do you mean "we"? Do you have a frog in your pocket?

There will NOT be an iPhone for Verizon. I know a lot of you are wanting it but it wont happen. Not right now. Not until at least 2012. I know, I know, by then it'll be too late because the world is ending, right?

@Saboth: - It's funny. It used to be the porn industry would determine which format wins. Now it's Pixar and the like that decides which one wins.

So, am I supposed to be impressed? I'm sure Jobs ran his copy of the letter through a shredding file 13. It means nothing.

It isn't even past the 30 day return period and some people are already demanding someone put a fork in Apple, they're done. What would be wrong with waiting and seeing how the situation get's handled? Yes, they should've been honest from the start but most people aren't ready to throw them under the bus at this

@vinod1978: - I couldn't agree more. The media is making a bigger issue out of this than the people that are buying and using the phones. If the problem was so big why aren't people returning iPhones in droves. Instead, stores are selling out or have very few on the shelves. It'll be interesting to see what happens

I can understand why someone might say "I wouldn't pay that kind of money for movies" or "I don't own a BR player, yet" or something to that effect. But how in God's green earth can a person, this day and age, say they don't own a HD TV? Really.

@Super Traction Engine: - Wrong. Obama doesn't want to continue supporting human space travel. That's why the Constellation program was the first program to get cut. He wants it done with satellites and rovers.

The App on my iPhone I use the most would have to be... The "Settings" app. I'd be willing to bet any amount of money I use it more than any other app on my phone. ;)