
YAHOO reported the coins to be worth 5 million dollars not 1 million. So which is it?

@smd58tx: - It didn't work with your apple products because of the limitations apple puts in the BT module in their devices. I use a BT network to some degree in my home and everything works fine except my iPhone.

@Cofta: - That was my favorite scene from that movie. This sort of thing would have to be the pinnacle of any trip that far out, if possible. To see any of the planets from a different perspective than here on earth. I truly believe we were meant to roam the stars, we just haven't gotten there yet.

@SEDAGIVE?!: - I don't know how I messed that up and didn't catch it. That should have read "at 6 times the speed of sound". My apologies. If you watch the video "An alien history of planet earth", done by Nick Cook, you'll see this toward the end.

This article was written by Seth Shostak so I'm inclined to not believe it either. Look at it this way. Seth isn't going to side with the people that think aliens are already here. If aliens were already here there wouldn't be a need for the SETI program to continue searching for a signal from distant planets and

@nahde: OH let me guess. You think you're getting the truth from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC etc? Or do they tell you what you want to hear so it must be true?

The SR-71 has always been my favorite aircraft. The only thing that made me reconsider that was when they finally confirmed the existence of the F117 Stealth Fighter and the B2 Stealth Bomber. They denied they were real for years, like every other secret plane, but finally came clean. We all know they only make these

I'm still having a hard time seeing Seth Rogen as the GH. Don't know why but I am.

It seems every documentary coming out now a days is about how close we are to the end of times or just about anything will kill us. Being a person with a history in technology and science I can't help but laugh at what is being passed off as science fact instead of science fiction. This is why people today, with the

How crazy. In Kansas I can shoot off 6" artillery shells but not a single bottle rocket. Is that asinine or what?

@m0m0: I think you mean "internal" don't you? You know, because the iPhone doesn't have an "external" antenna. No, yes....OK, maybe...

@screemname: - I don't know about that. There are a lot of politician's today are living proof a person CAN live without a brain. I'm just sayin...

A "loser pays" system would stop all these frivolous suits from happening.

@martin0641: - You are truly ignorant to how government and the private sector work aren't you. If you had any idea how things work in the real world you wouldn't be making the statements you've just made.

@ian.g.case: - Yes there would be. It's called competition in most places. I'm in the business and I know. I'm not saying there should be NO government involvement, I'm saying there should be a lot less. Your precious government is the reason the Telco's wont invest in more or better infrastructure. That's a fact

@Poppa1138: - The biggest problem in the US now is government involvement/intrusion (you pick). Get the government out of the way and it would be a lot better.

@kake81: - Hands? I don't have any hands. Come here, I have a job for you...

@7echdude: - Wait... What? You're saying your service issue is a particular side of your bed? Really? I tell you what. You roll to the right about one and a half times and we'll move on to somethinhg else before this really gets out of hand.

Yeah, yeah. My laptop is supposed to do some of this now, running Vista Premium. It somehow never quite works as billed. Go figure.

@up2l8: - But no one was supposed to notice that.