
@savage3006: - Yeah, I work for AT&T too, so what. I don't care if you're R. Stephenson himself, you don't call our customers names and belittle them like you've just done. We are having a hard enough time with public opinion of the company, warranted or not. You good sir just put your words in every mouth of every

@Jammy: - Tell me about it. December 2009 UPS left a $7,000 check, that should have been signed for, sticking out of my front door for all to see. I was just glad my "hood" had no hoodlums in it.

@jbarr: - My Mac? EEEEWW. Never owned one never will. What if you're using windows. My iPhone is the first Apple product I've ever owned.

Pardon my ignorance, but where is the "option" button we're supposed to hold down while clicking the link?

@JediMasta: - You really believe something you read on the Hefford"s Post? Are you serious?

PPFFFTT! Only two USB ports and no memory card readers? No thanks, I'll stick with my lowly launch 60GB systems with all the extras a person needs. It isn't like I can't just add a larger HD if it's needed so come on.

Does anyone really watch the World Cup? I mean come on, it isn't like it's real football or something. To hell with this. Give me the latest on what's happening in the Big 12... Oops, I mean Big 10, no wait, the Big 8... NM. What's going on in American football guy's?

I would lmao if these things started getting the RRoD right from the start. MS needs to restart from the beginning and design a better system. IMHO.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: - Oh, I see how this goes now. You classify me as a "Neo-Conservative" and it's OK. I call you a typical liberal and I'm a prick. Go figure.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: - The fact is Palin has a hell of a lot more experience than Obama in running anything. It's a fact that any room Obama walks in to he is the least experienced person in the room, period. I like how you used the "Neo" qualifier before saying Conservatism, typical liberal. I hate to tell you but every

@gebinsk: - If you think so but there would probably be a few incumbents that would disagree, considering they have lost their primary within the last few months. Most people are sick of the direction we're going and it isn't looking good for the ones in office now in this election year.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: - In all honesty, Sarah Palin would have been better suited with hind-sight being 20/20. Argue if you want to but facts are facts. As far as who would be better suited and have a good chance at getting elected? Newt Gingrich comes to mind before anyone else.

Question - Will it let me use other HD camera's with this software of do I have to use one of their new camera's? It may have been mentioned in the article but I didn't see it.

"Gadget-savvy Barack Obama"?

@beatledud: - What...? Are you trying to pick a fight? Just asking... I'm just asking. LoL

I'm just not buying it. No way are they putting a processor in a handheld that would compare to the "Cell".