
@chlddv: - N, 'm th n tht's scrwd cs 'm tryng t hv cnvrstn wth mntl mdgt. L8r...

If the MEGA tool hadn't screwed Tesla over and paid him for what he asked of Tesla he would have been even richer. Instead, he chose to try and take advantage of Tesla causing him to leave. Edison got to the top off of the backs of other people.

@achalddave: - I understand that. WP7 isn't going to run on just any phone though and that leads to asking the question... What type of phone or phones are they going to put it on?

As far as carriers, AT&T is going to be a "Premier" dealer (whatever that means) for the WP7. It came through the company in an internal memo a couple of months ago. If it's going to be on AT&T then MS is going to have to make two phones if they want it on Verizon too. I can't see MS putting this on one carrier no

@dcdttu: - So Apple is telling AT&T what to do, AT&T is a one-phone company and once the iPhone goes multi-carrier AT&T is done for? Is that what you're saying? Please elaborate. What, in your opinion, is going to happen to AT&T when the iPhone is available on other networks?

Now see!? I said almost this exact thing in a comment to an article on here a couple of weeks or so ago and people called me AND my mother bad names. They wanted to run me out of town. Now comes this article and everything is fine, I see NO feathers hanging from this writer's ass. What gives guys?

@FritzLaurel: I copied my reply to him—-@MrEff: - You are correct sir. Not only did Tesla invent a device that could draw electricity from the air, he also made the same device have the ability to "broadcast" electricity around the world if needed. Why do you think the government was so hell bent on getting their

@MrEff: - You are correct sir. Not only did Tesla invent a device that could draw electricity from the air, he also made the same device have the ability to "broadcast" electricity around the world if needed. Why do you think the government was so hell bent on getting their hands on his work when he died. Ironically,

@dcdttu: - Your point? Everyone knows they turned it down and we also know they wish they could have a do over too.

@dcdttu: - That isn't the "only" reason they're just now "getting into Android". Also, AT&T has handled the iPhone just as any other provider would have.

@jojo13jojo233: - For the last time... I don't care what you believe. Now that I know your age I understand where your ignorance comes from. I wish I had known that from the beginning because I wouldn't have wasted my time with you. You teenagers know it all already. I would like to wish Canada the best though.

If I do this it means I'm getting engaged. If I get engaged it means I'm getting married. Do you know what the leading cause of divorce is? Marriage. And my philosophy on marriage is the same as drugs, just say no.

@Sabbatai: - OK, OK, I get it. Most people aren't dumb just because they don't think like I do. I get it. Did I say that already? Can we please move on? I have other posts to read and insult... Oh, sorry. I meant to say comment on. Thanks for your input.

@pikixtlaniman: - You don't have to apoligize. I don't expect everyone to be like me. It would be a boring-ass world if they were. I've never intended to put anyone down with my opinion of this post. I just see things like this and I truely HAVE to ask if an explanation is neccessary. It's more my fault than anyone

@jojo13jojo233: - Oh, so someone has a life story that contradicts your beliefs and you can do nothing but call them a liar so you feel good about your "weak" position? I could care less if you believe me or not. What's funny is you really don't want to believe me because it makes you look like a sponge, expecting

@tselliot: - When I scrolled down and saw that picture it literally scared the shit out of me. And to think she, it, has the ability to reproduce.

@BazookaJoe: I'm with taminosk, yes you do.

NOOOO! Oh wait... YESSSS! I think. Hell, I don't know.

How about I just stick to my dimmers I installed on my theater lighting. I just dim and play. It works for me and it didn't cost as much.