
I decided yesterday that I am finally pulling the plug on a marriage that has been pretty awful for a long time. I am glad that you have found hope today. I honestly don’t feel like I will ever feel hope again and I’m just so irrationally angry that this lovely-sounding woman passed away and that her family is left

I just recently got divorced myself and reading her essay gives me hope that true partnership and long term love exists. I am grateful that they were willing to share their love with the world through the essay and her husband’s statement.

Like the majority of people I’m sure, I hate cancer. However, having personally known two women who have died from Ovarian Cancer, may I give this type an especially hearty ‘Fuck You’? (Along with Multiple Myeloma...not enough ‘fuck you’ for that one.)

“Unfortunately, I do not have the same aptitude for the written word, but if I did I can assure you that my tale would be about the most epic love story — ours.”

Welp, we told folks what was going to happen if they didn’t vote/voted 3rd party. This is it.

“nobody will be worse off financially”

Hi new best friend.
I would like to talk about THUG all day every day and how Angie’s MUCH DESERVED success came to be despite an industry that seems to believe that books about black women by black women won’t sell. (Also, how she’s already had to deal with a ton of issues with trolls despite being one of the most

YESSSSSSS. This is almost as great an addition to Jez as Shade Court.

i’m with her...

Oh that was a good one. I still like this one, too:

It’s international women’s day and I refuse to relitigate the election with you. The point is, this post shows how seriously our “allies” consider women’s issues to be. And HamNo’s slamming Hillary throughout the election and then at the end going “eh I guess I’ll vote for her, though” certainly didn’t help anything.

Seriously. I thought Emma’s post last night was about how seriously and thoughtfully the men were taking their posting duties today? And yet we’re getting the same crap we got when AJ ran Jez for a day (at least no one has posted the nude selfies that women sent them... yet).


I think I’m done with Jez today. See y’all tomorrow.

It’s the same mentality that the ‘disenfranchised rural whites’ have: I am better than other people, therefor I can’t possibly be harmed by this virulent racist, he has my interests at heart!

I just don’t get the mental gymnastics skill that it takes for a brown person to somehow believe that they are safe in this country because they voted for 45. As if there’s some sort of halo effect that comes with the ballot receipt.

All over the country Sikhs were targeted for hate crimes and racial harassment after 9/11, because ignorant uneducated white people thought anyone wearing a turban must be a Muslim. You’d think some people would remember that. When xenophobia becomes rampant in society anyone with brown skin is targeted.

Why does Dr. Luke always look like a divorced dad who just bought a leather jacket because he’s “trying to get back out there”?

Sounds like she was allergic to starvation.

“Out of context” is about the same as an “alternative fact.” It’s like when you get caught doing wrong, “out of context” is the hail mary pass all scumbags fall back on.