This is insanely cool.
This is insanely cool.
The aftermarket is robust, and holds little or no “risk” for the OEM’s. Want a faster BRZ? Hit up the aftermarket.
Fuckwit Fucksticks. Lots of fucksticks. Gotta say though, their evasive skills are pretty good, not many wrecks...
I agree with you on those segments... dry but their nuanced approach to testing is somewhat overlooked by their metrics.
Hmmph, I must have mistaken the “crash structures” as a unibody... it WAS 20 years ago, haha. I know the front body has a box-section frame, AND frontal/rear crash structures like a unibody.
Something else to consider: These have an actual frame, with a unibody attached... imagine detaching the body from the frame and putting a different body on it... THAT would be interesting.
This is a serious disappointment. You’re right Torchinsky, this show won’t be the same. I’d even guess that the chemistry between Edd and Mike won’t be recreated (see post Clarkson UK Top Gear’s first season) making the show a laughable shell if itself. RIP Wheeler Dealer... let’s hope they leave Wayne and Chasing…
I’ll watch, even if it is bad. The USA version was so formulaic... always a rehash the original BBC challenges, etc.
These. Are. Amazing.
Those little RS Escorts are a BLAST to watch...
GREAT shape, and I’ve never been a fan of these cars for many reasons, but painted red it actually looks pretty amazing. Still CP for the price, and no serious collector will likely want it painted.
I knew my predominant color has been white, but I had never tabulated the list like this. Also, damn I have had a lot of cars in my 30 years of driving. 27 cars. And honestly, only a couple of them were boring appliance cars during college. My list, not in order are:
Z4 Coupe is one of my all time favorite designs, and their BMW promo photos in the matte silver are just so gorgeous.
I’m with Patrick George... Miata Is Always The Answer ... even though the buyer is looking for a back seat. Fuck it. This is a perfect car to learn to drive on. Maybe, just maybe we all need to inspire the next generation of drivers as we go blazing down the autonomy trail...
I mean, clearly this author is a special kind of moron... and likely too young to have grown up in the 70's breathing all of the nasty fumes from the 60's and 70's cars... it was AWFUL. This almost seems like the ridiculous “fake news” from Facebook.
This should have GREAT cars in it, besides what we’ve seen in this trailer. Looks like a great movie.
Indeed. Even MORE enhanced. Perfect.
I agree with Patrick George on this one... W123 body Mercedes. They are plentiful, they are downright hard to destroy, and they transcend cool.