
And in the 2000's........

Warning: This reply is not about how much the car costs, or what type of person would buy one. Sorry.

And here’s the ute during actual testing in 2015 (sorry, but searching Jalopnik didn’t return any matches, so here’s the C&D links to articles from 2015

The only place you can use the actual key, on a SS, is the driver’s door.  And you’d only need to do that if your battery is flat.   Otherwise, key in pocket, door unlocks.  Press the Start/Stop button.  Smile, because that one sweet sounding exhaust.

Came to post this....take my star sir.

Sorry... I already called “dibs” on Margot Robbie.

Someone run out of their weeds?

I was going to say that the Illinois section didn’t get much description.. but it would have just been:  Town, corn, corn, corn, town, corn, corn, town, corn, soybeans, corn, corn, town, corn, corn, corn, corn, town, corn, soybeans, corn....

Amazon sells everything from batteries to butt plugs to butt plugs that require batteries.

i’m an Aussie, born there (from Dutch parents) and lived there the first 30 years of my life. 17.5 yeas ago I moved from the Melbourne suburbs to the middle of bumfuck nowhere in Central Illinois.

The headline, and the article were based on the “doing 94 in a 45".

Am I the only one who thinks this is a big deal about nothing? He didn’t go a distance at 90mph... he just goosed it a little.

We all know what happened after he went on a rear-bumper head-butt rampage.

So much incorrect information in the posts.

Now playing

You win the award for the most off topic post! :)

That orange is a little too bright, IMHO. It’s like the other bright, in your face colors that auto manufacture’s offer. Too bright.

o all debating about the name/brand of the equipment.: If you look at about 1 min, 35 seconds, you can see that it’s a Caterpillar. I can’t make out with 100% confidence what the model is, but the numbers look like they may be 246. which is a Cat Skid Steer

The next Mars Rover?

“This will be the last mod I make..”

“No body needs 300hp”. Now I drive a Chevy SS with 415hp. And I wonder how adding a blower will make it better.