200 Touring

Hertz cares deeply about our customers, and we successfully provide rental vehicles for tens of millions of travelers each year.

Wasn’t Republican Jesus superceded by Cheeto Jesus a few years back ? 

I wish. I think it’s going to take all of us, with eyes open and shoulders to the grindstone, to get to that day.

Why does no one seem to being every argument about abortion with the simple fact that it’s mostly not used as contraception. From there, you can begin to make these dillweeds understand that having a poor woman carry a brain dead baby to term will be saddled with massive debt. Debt that will be passed on to the

I’d move to that alternate universe since this one is on a fixed path to police state fascism.

Can we just fast forward to the part where AOC is President?  

Imagine that leering, perpetual state of ‘duh/self superiority’ face gazing down at you as she rides cowgirl.

I feel like Melissa McCarthy’s great line from The Heat is appropriate here:

Toxic ICE worship/delusion.

I would never Donk my own car but whenever I see one on the road I giggle. Just saying the word ‘Donk’ is funny.

Hard disagree. Donks look awesomely stupid but individual builds aren’t going out hurting people inadvertently or doing dumb shit like racing in public for clout. Donk builds know where they stand in car culture, and they’re fine where they are.

Counterpoint: do these actually hurt anyone? I see rolling coal below and obviously sideshows above, but I don’t really see any issue with people making their cars the way they like them. This is ONLY pertaining to the modifications, not what an owner does after the car is modified (drag race, donuts in an

You’d think the lesson would have sunk in after the whole ISIS Texas plumber’s truck issue. Yes, the sales contract says the new owner ought to do it, but if the seller thinks it is too expensive to be worth it then what are the odds the buyer isn’t also as cheap? If you sell something with your name on it, assume

Guess they didn’t see this back in the day:

“It’s unclear why the company has refused to repaint the buses”. They have a rainbow logo and a company name. In my mind it’s 100% clear why nothing was done. Dig deep enough, and I bet you will find that the Houston-based company has ties to Abbot. And probably not too deeply buried, either. I predict Six Degrees of

I hope they open a defamation suit against that other bussing company and the people responsible for this mess.

Its so kind of China to remind us how great this Proposal is for our country!

“We have 90,000 people in line to get a Hummer.”

Wow, I didn’t know they could stack sh*t that high.

Police are now literally competing against moustache-twirling silent movie villains.