200 Touring

If it’s high enough for delivery vehicles, it shouldn’t necessarily block signage, plus if you’re talking larger strip malls, there’s going to be big signs off the road showing what is there and can always hang signs under them to show what is where, like a parking garage. If you’re in areas that are prone to snow.

That was my thought too, though if you like to make dashboard chocolate chip cookies, it wouldn’t be the spot to park.

Honestly, a minivan like the Grand Caravan my Dad now has is about the biggest I would need.  More than enough room on the inside for most things, but since it looks like we’re going back to the office instead of staying WFH, it’s not toooo huge for our little parking lot.

It would also mean requiring new cars to meet minimum pedestrian safety requirements and making it more inconvenient to own large vehicles such as full-size trucks and SUVs. Research cited by City Lab has already tied the increasing popularity of those vehicles to the rise in traffic deaths.

It’s happened here in Illinois too, last I heard there was a group of MAGAts that were sitting out and protesting there at one point.

I’m in Illinois, we have people here that want to try and kick Chicago and some of the more liberal urban/suburban areas out of Illinois and make them their own state. Keep in mind, the majority of state funding from taxes come from Chicago and the collar counties and when you look up who gets more back in state findin

These women are probably at the stage in life where they start pressing their kids and the kids spouses for grand babies, no matter if these kids want them and can afford to have them or not.

Yup, if it was a small car or “cross over” the Bolt is my choice too, for the same reasons you mentioned, plus the easier ingress and egress of those is a plus for my elderly Father when we do things together and he doesn’t take his minivan.

If I had to run out and replace my 200 today, I’d be looking at a Chevy Bolt, at least the 1st gen, if not the 2nd gen. 260 mile rang, 200hp, 260+ ftlbs of torque, 6 second 0-60, yet as overweight as my Dad and I are, we both fit in the 1st gen comfortably and and it’s easier for him to get in and out of than my 200

People cheat at the refund counters and PineWood Derby races in church and Boy Scouts, why would this be any different.

It could give added advertising space too, use cloth that has the sponsors names and logos printed on or woven into it.

Or hand out the bags pre-made, and ready to go the day of the event and anybody caught trying to sneak in their own gets disqualified and suspended for the next event on top of it.

Seeing as she is the 3rd in line right now, I’d have thought that the Secret Service would have been the one to do that, or at least the SFPD, the County Sheriff’s Dept, or CHP.

I’ve got a friend who does that and discovered during our last election a friend from high school is as well, I’m concern for both of them, TBH

Pilot and Railway unions potentially going on strike going into holiday season.......that could make things interesting.

Always speak good of the dead, since this asshole is dead, GOOD!

That first van is a legend in the Shelby Dodge community, it’s the 1st FWD minivan to run 14's, 13's, even barely broke into the 12's, all back in the 90's. There was even a good story about it the original owner shared that a local Sheriff shared with him about a state trooper than caught it on radar during

Seems that any of the mid sized sedans with their V-6's or bigger turbo 4's will fall into this category.

It’s surprising what a few hundred horses in a Minvan will do, my Dad’s Grand Caravan with the 3.6l will light the tires if you’re not careful, even from a roll!

Even stock those things will run, plus there’s parts that will fit those that also fir the Taurus SHO.