
Omg, that’s one of the more intriguing statements made. Actually, it’s incredibly novel for just twisting it around.

Don’t exactly look white to me either. Disproportionate bodies, crazy eyes, ability to wield crazy weapons. I did not know white people had all these abilities. Must have squandered it on the Louisiana purchase.

While i agree with where you want to argue. You missed the point of the article. Or maybe the title. But full representation in America is good. We are a country built off stolen land. But are redeeming ourselves. Include everyone.

People are shittards. Karma will deal with them. Either in this life or the next. It’s the best part, they lay all their cards down here.

Playing video games for money. Shit us crazy.

Possible, but it’d be written off anyway. Making books aren’t free, so that expense is going to show somewhere.

Cross pollination is good as long as it stays valued. It’s possible to disparage with this treatment and back to the old days of funny books.

Good point, Vin Diesel does have that strange thing bout him. I love watching him in most movies. Did not see Last Witch hunter.

I think it’s specifically meant for him and sounds like his roles. There are some talented people behind this. But, I hear a toned down Lobo with MIB as the author said. We’ll see, but a small splash means abandoned story arcs from the sounds of it.

We can barely multithread code for cores. That amount of time I would guess at 250 years. Unless Watson really accelerates this.

How would we modify DNA without altering our own genetics? Not sure if there is spare space. I know some sequences are no longer active, but fucking around creates zombies. Science is always good, just remember the ethics.


Tell me the crazy shit he’ll do to get in character here. Learn to program?

Lol, good shit

Inductive it is then.

Bungie is ditching it too.

They just did the same thing with Thor a few years ago.

Yes Desmond was, I didn’t play Alan Wake or a few others, but most on here were cool.

Sadly that’s what people of color feel often. Fucking stupid thing is, some perpetuate this.

He’s not wrong on the spin or pointing out a “record,” is not the time. Donald did act more presidential, but that’s what’s expected. We’re supposed to be critical. We elected him.