
Good points.

I do not either. I like him.

Diablo was awesome, but that didn’t do it for me. It was the bosses and great story. D3 tried the same shit and bombed hard for me.

That makes littkexsense. The USA has a terrible history and that’s true. But we’re also awesome and are improving.

Agreed, but don’t stereotype bean counters. Not my fault execs want so much money.

Where to stand? Modder makes all the right points, but feels a little bit invasive. But you authorize it to check when asked. It is his/hers and supports the developer. So kind of agree. But mods with requirements can kead to more things I don’t want to know.

Best ending. Ever.

It’s so annoying we never get a universal language. The author makes so many good points. But i will flip out, they are aliens? Why the hell is that excusable but they can speak english off the bat. Have super powers, but won’t interact with Shield? This is crazy.

Good to know hollywood kearned the wrong lesson from Deadpool. I want Hellboy 3, not origin story gore.

Thank you, for reminding me to play bingo at church.

That makes sense, but portable is possible with better design.

True, but i read it off a site stating it was an escape room. And i searched for Escape room which brought me too this too. I’m happy i didn’t go and waste my money. I’ve had much better escape room experiences.

I agree, seems so pointless and the price is crazy. Tried out something similar at a hotel. Gimmick for 5 minutes, then ignored it the rest of the week. What am i missing?

I agree, seems so pointless and the price is crazy. Tried out something similar at a hotel. Gimmick for 5 minutes,

What does too distsnt to be incompatible mean?

We care, it’s going to be awesome. Until issue 8 is released, I won’t bad mouth it. Spencer’s been good.

Agreed, it’d be a really dumb move on management’s part.

I still feel angsty, but am no longer 20. At 20, edgy and mature also did not mean blood, gore and grey. It never did.

True, half complete decompressed issues annoy me a lot.

Lol, did they just increase the brightness? I don’t notice anything else. And 3D can be good just as 4k can be functional. Done wrong both are a waste of money and stupid.

Too bad this will take a while to sort out. But like all bad plans, they celebrate before looking to blame the losers.