
Lol, good stuff. This CEO’s press team is definitely earning their cash.

Fuck Into Darkness. Trek isn’t getting easy future money from me for that. What a bad shitastic script. I lied to myself for that crap.

In the last decade, METROID PRIME 3, Portal, Mirror’s Edge, Titanfall, Planetside and L4D. This person is trying to sound a false alarm.

I am jealous. He makes a decent argument to go too.

I am.

Lol, one ridiculous storyline. Definitely needed the summary, entertaining but convoluted.

I grew to dislike so muvh of it. Scott Kolins is great.

I blame the grind. It isn’t fun.

Lol, hot topic all bout the fads and pop culture. How are they still around? The piercings, goofball gags and ahit was fun. But this stuff, passes.

List is good to me, sadly missing Babs. But all seem good.

I’m calling bullshit. He doesn’t read shit at all. Maybe a documentary video, but no book.

I hate these storylines to get a secret identity back. Everyone is so goofball and breaks my stretched suspension of disbelief

It’s All the Bravest until they prove otherwise, because they haven’t earned otherwise.


Why would you jump blindly? This has been a terrible generation with so many rehashes. This review is great and refreshing. Almost something PS4 needed to prove itself. Fallout 4, Last of Us, Until Dawn and GTA5 are great. But anyone can pretty much play similar games last gen. FF 15 also helped. Are you saying

Do these kids even have the license? The things they hype and amount of money they want seem absurd. And the movie was stupid long and right the first time.

I agree on the original point. But sadly it’s capitalism.

Casual and hardcore are stupid labels.

Few CEOs are worth more than their top employees, but they exist. Steve Jobs, an asshole that saved the company, but almost ran it into the ground his first time. His successor from Pepsi did run it into the ground. Look into their stock and history.

I see no downside to this. It’s a video game competition with very little to lose.