
As a left leaning moderate. I love John McCain. The man is a war hero, comes from a strong legacy family-which should mean nothing, but I love him so he gets a + there. He has been a good public servant. You make strong points here, but he has long served this country.

Hillerifying is perfect.

Lol, it’s okay. Stupidy breeds itself. We could have had a real presidency with a woman who was qualified and amazing. Oh well, we deserve this shit. Stock market will sink, hate groups will rise.

Love seeing cheaters taken out. Anywhere.

Biden is awesome. And how could you turn Bernie away? The man is intense but means well.

When you apologize, show remorse and I believe it. Time ain’t fixing stupidity. I fear of it happening again.

Mel might be skilled, but I don’t think so. I need more to forgive him. Skill doesn’t negate idiocy. Did he ever apologize?

So you got a token movie? It’ll get praise when it’s done and not a fuck up. Until then, it’s an uphill battle. Look at The Batman, people expected shit and it ain’t disproving it. Throwing Affleck, Johns and money hasn’t solved DCEU yet. In fact sounds worse lately.

I know and he’s just so amazing. Just a person in general too. But as Captain America too, wow.

Only two women have budgets over $100000000. This is absurd in the age of bloated budgets and movies everywhere, how can this be?

I only hear bad things bout Suicide Squad. People buy Ponzi schemes too.

But this is why we have BvS, Suicide Squad and Entourage? Was it a fluke? How can the same guy who funded Lego Movie, Edge of Tommorow and Mad Max produce such pieces of crap after? Do producers look at a script? Did he get cocky and think he had the golden touch? Shit, is this streak going to continue?

While this could be good...DC. Do you have anything new? It’s constant regurgitation. I finally stopped after Blackest Night, the REAL Brainiac storyline followed by the REAL Starro storyline. Followed by Court of Owls. Still love the characters, but reviews and spoilers determine if I get a Graphic novel or not. No

You make a great point, but I point out. Amanda Waller and Oracle. Two of the biggest badasses. Especially Waller, she will get whatever needed done.

The suspension of disbelief is necessary to even function anywhere with super powers and heroes. We just pick the fights we want to.

Yes, but they can grow up. There can be other heroes or if they don’t want to, control the stories better. Batman is still in his 30s.

Yes, but they can grow up. There can be other heroes or if they don’t want to, control the stories better. Batman is still in his 30s.

I’ve never been a big Obama fan either, but these last 4 months have come to love/miss him.

I agree, the alt right hates video games.

Alternate opinions are acceptable. The problem is the alt right talks about immediately discarding opinions due to race. We’ve heard it before and learned. It’s the weak and insecure that keep pushing this. Though they would fall first. It’s them that cling to the race thing until...they don’t.