
I don’t like that they are pushing that angle of the relationship between Babs and Bruce. It was good in Beyond, but disgusting in the Killing Joke. Horrible pathetic misstep on Azzarello’s part. One of the best writers too.

I agree. Musk is just awesome and doing it the right way. Too bad we gotta deal with this egomaniac, but we can keep him in check.

Lol you goofy kid. It’s really this way:

Those that donate, need to know it’s a gift. No complaining.

That was very good.

It was an awesome movie. Still love it.

I hate the costume too, but it doesn’t break a movie. A movie that doesn’t exidt either.

Me too. First review was okay then it was truly exposed to be a heaping pile of crap. Lol Superman has 45 lines total.

I got a bunch, was fun for a while then lost interest. Now i have a couple still in box.

PC is power. Overwhelming.

Still buying the good stuff. PC and Big N take care of everything

Trickle down is not true. If that were so, why is there a pay gap? Gender pay gap?

You make a point. But that’s assuming the worse. Some of them are truly self made. Warren Buffet is my favorite answer. Bill Gates too, but he backstabbed to get there. Nonetheless he was selfmade.

It was a good movie. Especially when compared to Oscar bait. La La Land reviews were ok. Star Trek blew and made little sense. Arrival seemed cool.

Not worse, but not fun or entertaining

Just a dish baked in rectangular form. A large mixture really.

Except anarchist don’t have a plan after things go to hell. And then the strong will overtake everything. Leading to Trumps again.

Never give up. Women rights are human rights. I am tired of how society tries to adhere women to outdated traditional rules. It amazes me we are still fighting for this. It’s scary to think we could backtrack to the dark ages so quickly.

Amazing, whoever started this movement is a hero. Peaceful protest with a real ethical points.

What is the point of all these bots? Twitter already is a terrible platform compared to the others.