
From the promo... when does this count as just buying the Brand, but not the real thing.

Yes, he was an awesome Sinestro. Definitely the modern one I see.

They forgot his original Deadpool. Or want to. Seeing him as Hal could be fun if the screenwriters avoids baggage and murderverse DC.

RDJ did not have the clout back then. Iron Man rebuilt him.

I have no idea why I like this show so much.

I find the comic in the beginning ties a lot to the biblical mythology. Afterwards, it’s a great story itself.

Yes, please don’t pay the original IP we clamor for. There’s a reason cannon is important.

What does he expect? He’s showing his racism. Hanging out with a divisive and publicly contencious President. People are noticing he’s a hypocrit. Sadly, this isn’t the funny Steve Harvey I knew.

Unbreakable was great, Sixth Sense even better, but The Last Airbender. Truly awful and need more than this to forget.

Unbreakable was great, Sixth Sense even better, but The Last Airbender. Truly awful and need more than this to forget.

I see nothing wrong with that. I am a moderate myself, but fear for others who will suffer from poor choices.

I see nothing wrong with that. I am a moderate myself, but fear for others who will suffer from poor choices.

I miss Cyborg and Raven. Where is she? And Martian Manhunter.

They keep oushing Barbara and Bruce lately. It’s really weird. It was interesting in alt verse Batman Beyond, but now it’s disturbing. Bats and Selina are perfect.


What a bad joke on his part. He should know better than to be a bias jerkwad.