Will it play on Fox News, though? This is the exact kind of situation where they start talking about Hillary’s emails again and then Trump will probably start showing off his map again, too.
Will it play on Fox News, though? This is the exact kind of situation where they start talking about Hillary’s emails again and then Trump will probably start showing off his map again, too.
impressive, but not quite as fun as The Wall
Also red flag that she’s snooping in the first place. Dump her ass.
red flag right here. If they aren’t smart enough to go incognito, then they aren’t smart enough to date. Dump his ass.
sorry but what kind of non-porn website has porn pop-ups?
Deadspin Headline Outrages White Men Everywhere
fuck career for the sake of career. career ambition is a character flaw that makes people strive for empty, vain goals that are ultimately meaningless and they’ll never be happy
I’m not ambitious for the opposite (?) reason - I’m certainly not content in my job but I also won’t be content in any higher role. It’s just my career in general is pretty fucking pointless and money/power for their own sake is just vain bullshit. What I need is a different career altogether but it’s pretty hard to…
do you think there’s any world in which kennedy would co-author something like the Green New Deal, especially when he’s so invested in fossil fuels? I very much doubt kennedy would do just as good a job.
well one guy co-authored the Green New Deal and the other guy is heavily invested in the fossil fuel industry so there’s that
If it’s a small accident, however, like a stranger bumped into you and spilled your coffee, a quick, sincere apology should suffice.
I don’t think people are assholes because they voted for Trump. I think they voted for Trump because they’re assholes.
Yeah like if someone agrees with cruel and inhumane policies then you should just stop being their friend. Politics isn’t some inconsequential personality quirk you can laugh about or whatever it’s literally an extension of a person’s morals and values. Why be friends with someone whose values are “putting babies in…
Ah, okay sorry I misunderstood. Well, I agree that statistically mental decline is more likely in older people, obviously, but that should be easy to recognize in any candidate. In a well-functioning, well-educated society with a real and honest fourth estate, it would be easy to filter out. The argument that we’re…
We have a lower age cap for no reason—it’s stupid and should be removed. By the “disparity on the other end” I assume you mean the current POTUS. If you just want to address Trump using your age cap, you’re left with people like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum (depending on what age you…
There’s an extremely long vetting process (I think called “elections” or something?), with the purpose to weed out unqualified or unfit candidates, so creating an unnecessary, ageist cap on candidates would just disqualify potential candidates who are actually fine, like Warren and Sanders.
My posture—overall—got a lot straighter when I strengthened my core. My takeaway is that my natural slouchiness was a symptom of my weak core, but wasn’t inherently “bad.” Maybe that’s part of the reason why people think slouching is bad?
you’d still want to salt them 10-15 minutes before using - brings out the tomato-y goodness even more