I got the jist of Telltale's schtick when playing a Walking Dead demo and realized that style of game would not be for me. Now I bristle at their apparent success like some sort of internet rando :)
I got the jist of Telltale's schtick when playing a Walking Dead demo and realized that style of game would not be for me. Now I bristle at their apparent success like some sort of internet rando :)
The AV Club
Good point - and it's not like I'm not accustomed to crashes in Elder Scrolls games
Thank you.
That's a drag - I've been considering upgrading to an xbox1 for this game as it would be cheaper than upgrading my computers at the moment. Guess I'll have to do some more research.
O wise seer of the future, tell us more!
I, for one, welcome our controversial comment overlords.
(Send me something stupid from Amazon)
Here's a million dollars.
Oh sure - but it's been a while
I'll admit I'm not that familiar with her and I'm blanking on her from the Lobster, but the gf was a fan from Broadchurch, I think. I already watch too many weak shows just for actors I might enjoy occasionally.
Thanks! I guess I'll rewatch something with Tailor in the title or read a book!
Does the first season ever rise above the sloppy, cliched romance and fridging of the first episode? I like most of the folks involved, but the gf and I passed.
Viola Davis being a candidate for action hero was one of my only takeaways from Sucide Squad.
I read 'marrieds' as 'mermaids' and - what the hell - get James Wan on the phone.
Slipped back into my Skyrim Khajiit Dragonborn after a year break and very close to completing the main quest - I think. She previously completed the Dragonborn DLC before hiking up & down the 7000 steps. You should see her calves! If I stick with it for a while, she'll wrap things up for the Psijics and rid her…
This sounds great - digging up system specs, excuses, and babysitters.
My first time was during the dial-up era, now I can only get off to the screech of a modem.
No, g'ma was 1stTimeInACar. She was popular.
Thanks, I'm named after my grandmother.
It's obviously the dead cat calling the shots here.