
Heyyy, lookit college-boy scientist over here!

Eh - the kids I know joke about the illuminati - they live for that stuff….weirdos

Awesome - thanks!

I'm glad gaming from the old days wasn't tracked so extensively. I'd be afraid to know how much time I invested in Civs 1-4 (still playing modded Civ 4. One. More. Turn.)

No! Never outside! Games are inside!

This review and thread are making it sound pretty appealing. Would you say the humor is kid-friendly or at least over their head?

I got bored so I just drew some on my mirror. I look good.

It better have tits. Its been ages since I've seen fictional tits.


Ooh! A Christmas tree!

That fella should just go ahead and go full manbun.

Yeah - I expected some sort of medieval weapon/instrument when I googled it

It's the shorthand for that Players Unknown Battlegrounds game they did a write-up on a couple weeks ago.

CNN is already off and running with Cosmos-style holographic displays of anchors standing next to nukes and spinning globes. You can see the glistening drool.

Or bears. Werewolves. You've convinced me that they're werewolves.

I think he's a news anchor.

Politics aside - I want those wolf buttons.

Looks awesome - gimme.

That's good to know. I ended up saving it for last cuz I've prioritized Veronica as a follower and I know she's linked at least indirectly to the main character. It's too bad she can't come along.

This sounds really interesting and I'm hoping to get my kid into it (so I can play it). It's for the DS, right?