
If memory serves, on my second playthrough of FFT, I think I broke the game a bit by prioritizing my team for speed/initiative (or whatever the stat was). Everything got quite a bit easier when my top troops could get in 2 more moves before the enemy wakes up.

This is why Skynet wins, Internet!!

It gets easier when they can sit up on their own and you can give them an extra controller to chew on ;)

From Dust, From Dust, From Dust. Turns out all I need in my game life right now is a 5 yo sand castle sim/zen garden with lava. It's Andy Goldsworthy meets Michael Bay.


This is why Trump won!!!

I have a coppola ideas how it could work…

Ooh! Now do a Nick Cage, Internet! With lots of bees…

username/comment synergy?

I prefer that to what it looks like they've done with this current lego design (although it's kind of hard to make out..)

The 90s series? Probably - some of the villains on BTAS got the Burton treatment since it was contemporary with the films

Wayne Barlowe fans all, I'd guess.

They should have made the other Furbie watch.

it's only a matter of time before he tweets something similar

You seem to be back to your old self, Internet.

There's also the potentially brief "timeline" of Maeve and MiB's first encounter from Maeve's flashbacks and MiB's story from last week. Not sure if this event is concurrent with other timelines, but it occurs before MiB's current storyline. MiB did not state how long ago he first visited Maeve, but he didn't appear

*stammers, shakes fist*

A mouthless SB Cohen looks like a mouthless Bob Odenkirk.

West 2020 #IFuckWithThat

Finally, a mash-up I can get behind, Internet.