If he had any sense, he'd push the Calexit thing and declare himself king!
Hey, they have several Asian friends, that's gotta count for something.
Where's my Kanye West story? That's where all the Newswire madness will be today.
He's just still pissed at Wyatt Cenac.
Well, I think the man's personality and methods may affect how people perceive his successes. Beyond a lovely scenario where things work out well for everyone, it's difficult to have much enthusiasm for him. One good thing to come out of this election is I won't have to subject myself to House of Cards anymore. Trump…
You're deep in Schrödinger's Trump territory now.
Thandie Newton is the MVP on this show. I hope they keep the compelling stuff coming for Maeve
Spoilers!..on that season I couldn't be bothered to finish!!
We'll give you a username/comment synergy for that.
AV Club OBLITERATES intellectual property rights!
Ah - it occurs to me now I never finished any of the guild questlines in that game. Damn open worlds
Hmm - which quest was that?
Slow down new content providers, my friends who share their passwords can't keep up!
This reminds me of the time the remaining Sun City Girls tossed Charlie Gocher's ashes at us during their tribute tour. Where's my sticker of authenticity, Alan??
I enjoy the show, but feel they beat their premises to death. It would do better with a shorter run time like nearly every other anthology series (Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, etc.) The xmas episode enjoys the same twisted premises and style, but suffers from the same flaws.
Jon Polito died?? Goddamit!
The romantic scene of them diving into the chemical vats was one of the few things I kinda liked in that unenjoyable movie with unappealing characterizations. That and Viola Davis.
I hope there's a magical rock in this one!