If you can hit a Nip, you can hit a cracker.
If you can hit a Nip, you can hit a cracker.
Translation: Other people need to learn how to take a joke when I make fun of their problems. But when it’s personal to me, I find it offensive and unfunny.
It’s almost as if people die all the time every year...
Yeah, but you don’t have to throw the four pitches to walk a guy any more. So no more needlessly long games now. Right?
Remarkably, d’Arnaud’s homer did not send everybody home, as it was in the top of the inning. The rest of that half-inning still had to be played out, as well as the bottom of the inning. Plus nobody was left to be sent home.
If you don’t like extra inning games, don’t watch them. I happened to spend the last eight inning on the edge of my seat!
the CBA specifically excludes these fees from the revenues used to determine the league’s salary cap.
Stop making sense man
The players are getting paid from television and gate revenue. That’s where they generate value. One owner transferring his television money to the others is simply not new revenue. If the Rams move to LA causes an increase in ticket sales eventually that will show up in the next salary cap.
True, but remove the owners and you’re not playing anything. Just working a dead end job like the rest of us, not getting millions of dollars to chase a ball around a field.
And that’s why they get the negotiated split of the vast majority of other revenue streams.
By moving to more lucrative markets, the total cash in the game increases and the players ultimately see more as a result of the move. Somewhere along the line, people started to believe players should see bonuses from their owners business acumen. Cute. Those same folks fail to recognize the impact of leadership on…
I’m not entirely sure why relocation fees should be included in the split to be shared with players. Is there something I’m missing? It’s a transfer from one owner/ownership group to the other owners for the right to move territories.
Big deal, according to Lavar, Lonzo is twenty-four feet tall.
Rag on him all you want but I think it’s pretty cool that he’s willing to go to AAA. By all accounts he was a great clubhouse guy in Philly so if he can help a player or two down there while still getting paid to play baseball then that’s pretty cool in my book.
That’s why it’s not called the teethbrush.
draft a chain-smoking career loser who spends his free time housing donuts by the dozen and hitting on his teammates’ wives
Considering the article’s first sentence is one of the mistakes and a main part of the story, yes I think jay is on the right track. And who the fuck are you, a superhero that’s saving authors of poorly written articles? GTFOH
You really don’t need to whiteknight here. Calling an article ‘shit’ is not out of bounds when you consider that Deadspin is basically the snarkiest place on the internet.
Referring to Margot as a catcher is pathetic. Guy’s a top 5 prospect. Would you take someone serious if they referred to Ezekiel Elliot as a QB or WR?