a bat is not a chillum. one smokes a bat like a cigarette, cradling it in one’s lips. one grips a chillum between two fingers, creating a chamber with one’s hands and inhaling (usually) through index finger and thumb
a bat is not a chillum. one smokes a bat like a cigarette, cradling it in one’s lips. one grips a chillum between two fingers, creating a chamber with one’s hands and inhaling (usually) through index finger and thumb
Muckle: harder than a Tackle. That’s what we used to call “smear the queer” in Rhode Island in the 70's.
as a biker in seattle with excellent bike lanes and admittedly zero information about other cities, and as a person that deals with bike bros doing freaking 80 along the paths that I travel, I also ask the question, how fast were they going around that corner? is the question all about drivers and lanes or is it also…
The only time raising your voice to someone who is shaped by your authority is justified is when they are in physical danger of life or limb....when you need to get them out of the street and away from that effing runaway bus NOW!!! Anything other instance is a selfish act.
I swear this is the truth: I had never heard about Barstool before this post. Guess I’m a hopeless lib? Still funny tho
Mayo is the best vehicle for sticking panko to pan-fried chicken breast (hammered/texturized, of course) period. period.
Mayo is the best vehicle for sticking panko to pan-fried chicken. period.
but sometimes seems like a couple of teeth are missing that you need to trip the lock.
Hunh? Is that Sarcasm? You must be from San Francisco.
Ohmygoddd: How about the progenitor of the dinkNdunk offense himself, Mr. Joe “snoring” Montana.
this is the most amazing poem i have ever read.
:-) I will not forget it! Thank you!!! Next up: saving the US as a democratic state!
It wasn’t Carroll: the only way to insure that the Seahawks would get 3 shots at the end zone (with only 25 seconds remaining and one time out) was to throw a pass. You can disagree but at least there is logic in that hypothetical series: 2nd: incomplete/3rd: stuffed run (timeout)/4th: LYNCH AGAIN!!!
It’s pretty obvious that Drew was not trying to convince us that the pie was homemade but that he doesn’t want the dude to “bite the hand that feeds.” All of his argument is about avoiding conflict, not about the qualities of a homemade pie.
animal accents: whales have dialects. we know this. this is common knowledge; in fact it’s the single most painful fact that highlights humanities’ role as world cancer. is there no greater evidence of mammal intelligence than whale dialects?
RE: crispy crickets
Whelp...you know how they say that genius skips a generation? They said that because of Jr.
As a Seattlite, and someone that was born in RI, I agree...I think you got this one right. Lots of sportshate between Seattle and PDX even tho it’s the PacNW
ugh. i am forced to agree with your assessment. as much as i have loved all of scifi, throughout my entire life...and plenty of Bradbury...this book bored the living bejeezus out of me.