Robert Defina

The alliteration involved with "stupid slavic face" made that the most poetic "fuck you" ever uttered on television

I used about too much, I know, I know

I thought this premiere was really good and I don't understand why everyone always criticizes it as a "slow burn". The first episode lay the groundwork for a lot of personal conflicts - that's what the show is about. I don't know why we are waiting for something bigger to happen… the show is about a family in turmoil

Weird that Scotty from Happy Endings is a congressman now.

While I understand this, as a juror, I would have appreciated Aubry clarifying that because what Cydney was saying didn't make ANY sense. "Thank you for letting me build fire" and Aubry's like "she had no idea that was gonna happen so you can't thank her." As a juror I would think "good point" not "wow, did she just

My biggest issue with all of this is that Michele said "Tai handed Aubry a million dollars" but still ended up winning somehow. I thought that part of the edit made things clear to us? This is the first time in forever that FTC made it seem like it was still either of the girls. Admittedly, Michele's tears made me

1 and 3 were so wonderful. Every episode keeps adding on the previous for the best one liners

Roger Furlong calling Wendy a batman villain and Jonah telling us that Bob said "Hurricanes are caused by jews" are 2 of the best things that have ever happened on Veep

The pronunciation of Nevada in her speech as "Nev-a-ah-da" was seriously the funniest joke this show has ever had

The move was kind of stupid but this was the best episode of Survivor in a long time. I liked second chance but nothing compares to fresh blood going nuts. I think Tai's confessionals about being conflicted with the guys' behaviour may cause him to turn on them successfully. And from the preview it looks like Aubry

fair enough but why have a close-up of Jeff's facial expressions for everything. The way this was handled was certainly for the purposes of dramatic effect.

Strategically - best episode in a long time
The ending felt like they were trying to pull someone from the game… like okay we're gonna make some drama happen let's go to the beach and call you one by one until someone shows a promising potential medevac. What a load of horseshit

I'm really tired of them doing so many out of the box things this season because it can be occasionally interesting but it's just not funny. The last episode was great, the one before okay, but otherwise this season has really stepped down its game. I'm just not laughing anymore and it's not like Sunny is supposed to

This episode was just as hilarious as the last. There were some ridiculous moments that could not help but be laughed out loud at

Finally, an episode this season I can get behind fully! An A for sure.

Not the best episode but honestly I laughed way more than I have during the last couple episodes. Danny DeVito made me laugh so that's rare!

I agree with the review completely. This season has been kind of off. It's almost like they've forgotten what makes this show work. We need to see these people being immoral assholes doing ridiculously misguided things that only further their narcissistic tendencies. Please let them ruin the waitress' life next week

Laughed a lot more than i did last week but so far this season has been a recycling of the past.. which unfortunately makes the episodes less likely to stand alone as classics.

Am I alone in the camp that thinks this episode was haphazardly recycling old jokes? There was definitely some great new material in there but it felt like it went by way too fast and Frank's Saw segment was really stupid.. Danny DeVito is so hit or miss. I want the Frank from "The Gang Group Dates"

I highly disagree. In my opinion, the pass on immunity thing was to keep Joe's winning streak alive. The producers want him to keep winning and they will do what it takes to make that the case. There's no way they can rationalize why half of them had to bow out to fix the shelter. If the conditions were that bad and