Robert Defina

The edit is very telltale. It feels overwhelmingly like a Sarah win after tonight. Else we would have seen Cirie/Aubry get credit for convincing Sarah to flip like Trish did when Kass flipped on Sarah in Cagayan.

The troy/brad attention was definitely telling considering they had plenty to work with with the other 5 ladies and none of them had a chance to say much.
My problem with them in the final 3 is it would seem troy is in the better spot and he is just the most annoying lol… couldn't handle him winning THIS season

Based on these first episodes, it's clear this season is going to end tragically.
Heck, I'd even take an Ozzy win over a nobody at this point… Where has Cirie gone!? Why was Aubry's opening confessional never revisited? Is Andrea getting another 7th/6th/5th place edit!?
Unfortunately, Hali who was starting to become

Production is getting increasingly more awful with these returnee seasons. A great number of these cast members had no right ever returning. But moreso, why does production get so amped up about bringing back returning players only to not trust them to do daring things?
This happened in second chance too where they

Im calling him as the big threat near end game who either wins or gets the last vote.
Honestly though he has been pleasant both times he has played and all the drama w him in the previous season seemed uncalled for. If we keep losing all our big guns im happy to see him win over all the duds (of which there are many!)

While the episode was chalked full of laughs, I hated the dildo gag as it's been done before, most notably in Burn After Reading which makes it more or less look like an unoriginal gag then a great joke for this show.

Am I the only person who thought the plot might be directly taken from Lady Dynamite's Bam Bam Army?

I think you're missing the point. The idea wasn't that because Thomas is saved we should be praising Juliana, but the fact that John Smith was still alive to deliver the message ended up doing more good than bad. And Juliana had clearly grown attached to Thomas so it was more complicated for her than a Nazi Kid… she

This write up is just awful…
This season was quite good and I really appreciated a lot of the moral developments. Especially the Thomas storyline as I felt that was a super realistic portrayal of what would happen if a Nazi officer had to protect his child. Not as sold on Thomas turning himself over, but enjoying the

Definitely thought the premise was that the Kito used the film as leverage and John Smith believed the Japanese were capable of retaliation.

The show Gaycation has been great in showcasing these opinions and it brings a lot of calm to the gay community, imo, when watching someone like Ellen Page be sophisticated in revealing its nature without yelling back or being hostile towards them

If Quinn had died at the end of last season then this premiere probably would have been a great one. They really are Brody season 3-ing him right now

This was the first great episode, in my opinion. Lots of laughs. Finally feels like it's done doing the introductions and is getting into character mode. This was consistently funny from top to bottom. LOVED Kaitlin Olson trying to seduce the boyfriend. That was supper Always Sunny-esque (especially her almost gagging

"It was on British TV for 16 seasons. They nearly had 30 episodes." undoubtedly wins line of the episode

I find the criticisms of this show always more contrived than the show itself.
It has ALWAYS been exactly what it was, season after season. This season, in my opinion, at least gave us a new Fiona type storyline. This is the first season she has NOT had or fucked up a love interest! That's a win in itself.
It was not

I don't see who anyone else would vote for (except Adam for Hannah and Jessica for Ken, IF that) if H/K/D made final 3.

While I hate that there's no pre-merge double boot anymore (which cleans that slower part of the game up nicely), it's nice that the two most invisible people went home in the double boot episode.

"But it was so great to be off social media for a while" is the best line uttered on TV this year

The second Megan Amram's name popped up as writer for the episode I knew this was going to be great and it truly fired on all cylinders.
Janet's pleading takes the cake

Your comment got my wheels going and I'm starting to think that THIS is the bad place and they are trying to make it seem like it's the good place to give calm to the residents? That theory still in progress……