Robert Defina

I also want him to win buuuuut I'm thinking he comes 2nd to Jeremy now.

Sarah Lacina in Cagayan. C'mon….

Kelley Wentworth has the winner's edit on Ta Keo. Potentially Kass on Bayon

This may be the best Veep episode ever. B+ is way underselling it

No surprises that the Megan Amram episode gets an A. That bitch can write.

In my opinion, the episode/season should have ended on Potts saying "you're children are lying to you" to Sally and none of this child reveal. Intro the child in the next season don't make it a cliffhanger. Still such a great season though.

These reviews are not churning out fast enough. I just finished episode 12 and have no one to empathize with my current loss for words

This show is fantastic thus far and doesn't really take much to get into, which is wonderful.
Felt the need to comment, though, because this review was so superbly written by Joshua Alston, and that should not go unnoticed. Permission to steal "Cosmic permission slip" for a future novel? We'll talk. Fantastic writing

I don't want to exaggerate but this almost immediately goes into the top 5 sunny episodes ever. As a fan who has watched every episode 2x, there were at least 20 jokes here that spanned the events of the last few seasons and that could not have been more rewarding to watch.
Everyone had a good storyline in this

I've read numerous recaps of last night's episode and no one has praised the beautifully subtle "dick nips" line that Dee so perfectly uttered.

I think Natalie winning is extremely unexpected because she was a stunt casting choice for the sake of entertainment that ended up playing a damn good game.

After tonight, it's either Natalie or Keith. Hoping Natalie… instinct is saying Keith though.

This is actually shaping up quite well, better than Marry Me imo. The pilot was weak but this is funny stuff.

This was a GREAT episode of Homeland. You can't even argue that the juxtaposition in the last two scenes wasn't wildly effective. The CIA was about to drop a bomb on them but once the boy got shot in the face suddenly we're shocked and awed by the villainy of it? Amazingly done by the writers and just an epic way to

Wow. Gil could single-handedly ruin this show for me. He is so unbelievably unfunny it's actually unbearable. Everyone else is fine. More Tymberlee please.

It said he changed his vote to Val instead of Baylor. Which is why Val went home, because Josh suspected Val and John had some secret agreement.

This was pretty great for a pilot. Don't know how believable some of it was but it worked. Did anyone else find the structure and storyline EXTREMELY influenced by Damages? Even the reveal at the end reminded me of the Damages pilot almost to a tee.

Sarah: "I swore on my badge I would never write your name down and I don't know if I can tonight."

"That Finnish fffffffffffffART!"
I thought, surely, she was going to say "fuck".

The part where Ben rolled the final roll for Cones of Dunshire and about 17 dice scattered across the table was literally (Chris Traeger voice) the funniest shot in the history of this show.