Omg I'm dead
Omg I'm dead
Obviously it was just washed for the photos
Crack pipe
lightyears better than the circumstances surrounding me last time I saw you
That was my response in a local FB group where someone was selling them for $250.
LOL didn’t you drive home with a huge chunk of gator in that S2000?!
Seagull’s stream is way more entertaining!
I always freak out when I see him letting water droplets fly everywhere.. won't it clog the instruments?!
Everyone in the Los Angeles area needs huge bumper stickers on their cars that say, "Don't shoot me. I'm not Chris Dorner."
head about this on Cocaine Cowboys on Netflix
me toooooooooooo :(
dont think they make new e55s anymore
but its still a civic :\ says the 6'6 twenty-something who speeds in comfort in his E55 AMG
the shitty part is that it disappears after it kills someone. i mean wtf.. its not like it blows up or anything, so why doesnt it stay on the ground for a double kill :)
oh i thought someone actually named their kid < ahref= or something... thats an interesting way to name your kid link
also known as a yellow shower
haters gonna hate