
How sweet is that? (Have to note though “It was a romance seeped in civil service and idealism” —- you mean steeped.) Wofford is an aristocrat of the soul. Many happy returns.

This article had the ring of unadorned truth. This is something that every American needs to read and then set about helping to fix it. It’s one thing to be filthy rich; it’s another to become that way by cheating, bribing, abusing, and lying to the working poor is truly sin.Thank you for the work you do. You are

Bernie will have his moment in the sun right up to the sour grapes convention.

I hope he backs off on ginning up bitterness, anger and division of the democrats at this point. It’s time to show some sportsmanship and not continue to polarize people; there’s some real personal vitriol out there now toward Hillary, and it is increasing. Hillary will need a lot of support in the battles ahead,

Marchons, marchons !

How is one to know for certain? “Even” mentally ill people are capable of telling the truth about a traumatic incident. Also, an “actual, certified” psychiatrist is not always the ideal resource for a person; psychologists have their place too, depending upon the person and the problem, and they often work together.

I was “fortunate” in high school that I was such a nerd that I didn’t get asked out on a single date either my junior or senior year (no prom, Sweet Sixteen Never Been Kissed etc.). My romantic life was 100 percent vicarious. But when I got to college and finally started dating, I almost felt a sense of gratitude that

Tragic story. Poor guy and his poor wife. The killer probably has family too, devastated by this. The murderer may have had an illegal gun; as many do. I really think we need to go farther then the amendment and start confiscating them. I know I know, that will probably mean civil war, martial law etc. But hotheads

Horrifying violence against a young girl by a big beefy mesomorph —- this is felony assault and battery in my book. Whatever excuse he makes, this violence should not be tolerated by the American public. If this amok bully had ever laid his hands like that on my daughter, I would have made ruining his life my own

Aha! You acknowledge that Halberstam was mediocre, and was he ever. Talk about the Common Touch. You can have the rest of your point.

Please get Royko and Breslin out of there —- wayyyy overrated regional writers. And Halberstam must have used researchers and interns for a lot of his stuff. Talese was interesting only because of his subject choices, not because of his own style or persona. How he must have burned over all the attention / adulation

I always thought he was a woman. He just lucked out with that first name.

More than just a Zilian but less than a Gazilian.

I think the point is that using English rather than Portuguese in such a film is an abomination. I agree, BTW —- in fact I dislike seeing anything shot in English that is not about English-speakers. But I read subtitles easily, while a lot of people can’t or find them distracting / intrusive.
Here’s a heavier-handed

Let’s see... just quickly, how about this:

Yes, but he does need an editor anyway. Here’s what I would do:

You know, you can explain all you like —- be rational, quote statistics, bring in Nobel-level experts etc., and you will probably not make a single convert from anti-vaxx. That’s because fear of vaccination is not arrived at via a rational thought process. It’s a feeling; a deep emotional conviction, misconnected with

I’ve lived in an old (1960s) 1 bdr apartment in Mountain View CA near Google headquarters since 2009, when I moved in —- rent was 1500. They’ve raised it over the years as much as they legally could to 1625 but it’s now way below market value which is 2250 and climbing fast —- no vacancies ever in this 70+ unit place.

My only disappointment is that the entire infrastructure of this odious “tradition” is not called out and charged with motivating and inspiring rape. Just becasue they were not in the room doesn’t mean that they had no responsibility for creating and maintaining the climate in which it took place.

Makes me wonder if that statistic might be low compared to what went on in past generations, when there was practically zero support anywhere for girls coming forward, as bad as it is today. I’m pretty sure my mother, coming from a large European immigrant family in the early 20th century, was outraged in some way;