
There’s also the consideration that in a group setting, boys who aren’t “drawn that way” can rape if it’s expected of them, or if joining in a gang rape is some kind of initiation ritual. They become rapists as well then, even if they didn’t initially fit the profile for predatory rapists.

I think the offense also rises to the category of mayhem and torture. The right DA, with the right judge and jury could deal appropriately with those perps, dammit.

They teach you how to pose in modeling school so that you don’t look ill-at-ease; one foot in front of the other is one of the most reliable poses rather than straight-on hands at sides, which few can carry off. Bringing a hand up to the waist is another thing to do with your hands. They teach you how to walk and look

Wow! Perfect. That dress shows no mercy, and she wears it beautifully.

He is a national treasure.

I used to date a man who was rock-ribbed Republican, straight out of central casting. He was retired from a boardroom-level career with one of the big insurance companies. He was divorced, paying a ton of alimony (including his ex’s plastic surgery to give herself a more photogenic vulva). He collected Ferraris,

Re asking for help. Do give it a go on your own before asking for help. Try to use the web or other resources to figure something out first. I don’t say waste a whole day ramming your head against the wall, but if you ask somebody at work, they should know that you did make an honest effort on your own before you

That’s true. Throughout history, and doubtless in prehistory as well, males have taken hostage, terrorized and even murdered unwilling females. It isn’t always a “property” issue —- sometimes the men are overwhelmed with desire or unrequited love and just can’t find a way to live with rejection. Of course women are

My daughter had an obsessive wanna-be boyfriend who called her while he was trying to kill himself with car exhaust way out in the sticks —- in another state. She called his parents and eventually the cops found him, alive. He had always been weird, but very smart and his family was overwhelmed with him, of course. As

My friend, age 21, was murdered by a stalker —- an obsessive grad student who believed he was “in love” with her and whom she was frightened of and had not encouraged. He had been a stellar student but deteriorated into obsession as the months passed. Despite the efforts of the university, her friends and family etc.,

The phrase is “case in point” and not “case and point.”

My own mother was a toxic fat shamer; she was heavy herself all her life and drove her two daughters mercilessly to be thin. My sister developed anorexia and is now struggling with osteoporosis. I was slender and had a normal appetite, but my mother used to tell me to lose weight. The day I got home from having my

Yes you are, and you wear that beautiful dress beautifully.

Real licorice is great —- not that ultra-sweet, gummy, twisty stuff. But it’s not for the faint-hearted.

I wouldn’t bother with “milk” chocolate no matter where it’s from. It’s just bland, pale, creamym tasteless ick.

Not “uneducated and stooopid” but mentally deranged by any standards. Stick a coat hanger up into your uterus? That’s what’s called prima facie insanity. I had one perfect little baby, and that good luck, because that’s all it was, means I am morally obligated to show the deepest compassion to unfortunate people. I

That woman was obviously mentally disturbed and horrifically self-mutilating. She was desperate, irrational, and required compassionate care, not criminalization. I’m an atheist but if there were a God I would call him down to punish for eternity the evil that Tommy Roberts has wrought.

Very confused and very angry. But not very rational.

You seem very confused.