Strangely Enough

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Obama lost more offices for the Democratic Party since prior to WWII. Whos fault is it that hes that bad at politics he couldnt maintain the coalition that voted him into power? The voters, or Obama?

Obama could’ve pushed for true single-payer. He could’ve prosecuted the bankers. He could’ve not droned more people and deported more refugees than any prior president.

I dunno. His 14 years in the spotlight has shown that he hasn’t been as sharp or as smart as he was when he was just a constitutional law professor. His record speaks for itself. He’s wishy-washy, and that’s not what the Democratic party needs next decade, when socialists like me will be driving the bus.

Wait, your name isn’t “O’s, Poes and Bohs?” Hey everyone, this guy is a phony!

Now playing

I mean, little more needs to be said about Kurt Eichenwald other than that even America’s Ding Dong Tucker Carlson owned the fuck out of the guy.

My favorite part of that story is how the wife supposedly takes Twitter from him and tweets as him while he is having a seizure on the floor. You can tell she hates as much as everyone else.

You’re listing people who did mostly good work. An honest mistake!

Show us your class project.

That caused him a “seizure” and that he filed a “police report” over. That dude is the gift that keeps on giving.

Thank you for including Amanda Marcotte. She’s like an MRA straw man of a feminist brought to life.   

Oh I really really wish you would have mentioned how Sady Doyle went on a long rant to defend Woke Alligator Lady. That was some fun times.

No Tom Friedman? Boo.

I would call Amanda Marcotte a sick joke but sick jokes would be offended at being compared to her.

I get a lot of people don’t like Jeet Heer on twitter, but his version of the New Republic is so vastly better than the previous one.

I don’t think you quite understood the tone of this piece! Or are you trying to come up with your own Bizarro List?

how do y’all leave out that Peter Daou:

Was a member of the Christian Lebanese Forces and most likely committed war crimes
Is the son of the woman upon whom the novel Fear of Flying is based on
Was in a band called “The Daou”

He is by far the weirdest of the Clinton surrogates

Congratulations to all the wieners.