Strangely Enough

Follow the $$$

No arguments there.

Fair enough, but as someone who has witnessed both systems and thier affects, they are both miles better then the hodgepodge, cruel, corrupt and poverty creating system we currently have.

Yes, so why do you keep doing it?

For some reason the comments on all these sites are dominated by EXTREME CENTRIST dickheads that live for punching left. It’s hard to stay awake while reading their incredibly dull opinions, but they’re convinced themselves that you’re either a “sock puppet” or some guy that they call “tomato.” 

Yep, anyone who argues that these changes are too expensive needs to be able to explain why it is going to be more expensive than our exiting way of doing things which is by far the most expensive in the world while returning among the worst outcomes in the developed world. 

Even if you have employer provided coverage, patient choice simply means “choose any doctor from this list we provide of in-network doctors, or you can keep your old doctor but it will cost you twice (or three times) as much to visit them.” That’s not choice, but if all of the doctors in the country are “in-network”

I absolutely adore that you believe providing health care to everyone in the richest country in the history of the world is “radical.” Wait until you see the new offerings at Applebees. Boy Howdy!

The other part of this is if you cut out insurance companies & hospital CEO giant salaries from the equation, the docs get paid well.  Not to mention big pharma companies.  Anyone against Medicare for all that claims America has the greatest healthcare is just full of shit.  We rank below all the non-3rd world

James Rang was described as a “businessman” in Iowa....

How is this trolling

Good thing that all of your fears can be allayed by looking at other first world countries with single payer healthcare systems where literally all of your concerns never came true. But, that doesn’t quite fit this bad faith narrative you’ve got going does it?

Good article. Keep these motherfuckers exposed. When their eHarmony date Googles them, this is the first thing that should come up. (eHarmony is still the uncool online dating service, right?)

Another PAHCF press release quoted an op-ed that Tameez published on the Houston Chronicle’s In the Loop blog, which doesn’t describe his job at all.

Some of that isn’t the residents’ fault. They are given unreasonable expectations, as well as being implicitly promised that their long hours and shit pay will be “worth it” some day.

But-but I just finished my residency and want to wake up in a new Bugatti!

The rich are the enemy of all. They have too much power and influence in this country. They control both political parties and most media outlets. They can lie and spread propaganda without consequence because the government is completely corrupt. Healthcare reform won’t happen until people vote for politicians that

Those of us who took the physicians’ oath (the modified/modernized Hippocratic Oath) swore to treat patients to the best of our abilities regardless of that patient’s ability to pay. Any physician who opposes medicare for all or single payer is, as far as I’m concerned, in violation of that oath.

Right wing think tanks, lobbying and the network of talking heads that are the leaders and employees of this network of deception are just bribers and propagandists.