I had a co-worker do that. He bought space on a container to ship items back to Brazil.
I had a co-worker do that. He bought space on a container to ship items back to Brazil.
Agreed! My mom used to live just outside Detroit. I flew up there and drove a UHaul back to move her further south. The potholes I avoided would absolutely have incapacitated that truck. I could not fathom how roads were allowed to get so bad. And people just have to deal with it on a daily basis.
The truck is worth whatever it’s worth when wrecked. The Hellcat driver destroyed that truck... he has nothing to do with any liens on the truck. So, no.
Bottom line: you may or may not experience symptoms. That pretty much covers it.
Yet he still let him in! Pointless security question.
“On Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert podcast—a huge pass for me, personally...”
Blame our ridiculously litigious society.
I don’t like NASCAR, but what I really can’t stand is internet a**holes that paint large swaths of people with a vindictive and divisive brush. You are a tool.
For flat towing the 4x4 manual transmission. I of course understand why the transfer case should be in neutral. But why should the manual transmission NOT be in neutral?
And that Supreme Court ruling really surprised a lot of attorneys that were specifically taught in law school that shall absolutely means required.
I get that Piers is an a-hole. But what exactly has he said that is racist? Honest question (I don’t watch him or keep up with him in any manner).
I do not watch Piers at all. I don’t follow the royal family. Can you point to what Piers Morgan has said that is racist? If I google it all I get is the latest Osbourne story. And I glean that he has be mean/rude to Meghan Markle. But I cannot find the specific incident(s) to which people must be referring.
Um, pretty sure Jezebel perpetuates the gossip cycle.
“He retired from the company in 2001 and spent his golden years speaking to engineering students and professionals about ethics in their profession.”
Just because you have the means and access to top notch care doesn’t mean you have the sense to use it.
But what if she was best for the role? Seriously. If she fit all the criteria, but all she needed was a little makeup? SMH. The world has lost its collective mind.
Exactly! This Sam Farrar seems like he bet big (thinking he was a wise investor... really getting ahead of the curve) then lost... and now is a sore loser.
Why not? Fourth would be first alternate in many situations. Ranking in sports matters. Would you be OK with illegal doping if it only pushed a 4th place down to a 6th? Your argument doesn’t hold water.
Please! Dems and Repubs both have plenty of sleazy members in their ranks. Don’t even pretend. This is not a political issue... it is a human behavior issue.