
Yet Tesla had the number one selling EV in the world last year... and you’re b-tching about how much Musk makes? SMH.

So many people complaining about all the truck things this can’t do.  The vast majority of trucks in the US never do truck things.  It seems the Cybertruck fits in nicely.

LOL! You are delirious. Unemployment dropped because states allowed people to go back to work.

LOL! Even CNN is calling for Biden to be replaced. You clowns have told us how lovely the emperor’s new clothes are for the past year +.


Can we also write articles about every Wrangler or F-150 fail?

Looking for the part where Trump says he’ll stop EV sales.

Way to shoehorn politics into this.  FFS.

Except for the MPG issue.

Everyone needs protection, even the ‘evil’ rich. 

Boo hoo. Someone has way more money than me.  FFS.

I would rather government err on the side of moving to slowly than too quickly.

What garbage in the first sentence.  SMH.  No wonder Giz is failing.

LOL.  Came here for a laugh.  Thanks for this.

You really think I’m going to click through 50 slides?  GTFO.

LOL.  Agreed!

And humans work great, what, 85% of the time?

Rich people bad! Me no like.

LOL, sure buddy.

You should start your own company.  Clearly you can do better than Tesla has done over the last 10+ years.   Musk is clearly greedy and short-sighted and cannot possibly grow a company and create jobs.    (FFS, you people)