As if the white men at the dawn of the internet were following all the laws...
As if the white men at the dawn of the internet were following all the laws...
Yes, and these ‘patent farms’ are a scourge on technology. They are a disease.
This is similar to someone camping on the web address
Wow, a homophobic racist. How original.
Segregation is not simply seclusion. By definition, these companies are segregating categories by race. Whether that is ‘ok’ is another issue. I personally think it stokes the flames of racial discrimination (again, selecting by race IS discrimination... by definition).
Cue das hipster influx.
Here is a pic of former CA governor taking his first ride in a prototype autonomous Cybertruck
“The dent-proof panels, too, indicate a future where we’ll want to be shielded from nature rather than be a part of it”
What a ridiculous comment. If Trump would have purchased 200M doses and then this vaccine be less effective, he’d take heat. The risk of pre-purchase was spread over more than a single vaccine. That is sensible. And note: while not directly funded, the fact that the US signed plan-to-purchase contracts, they are…
Yes, the term is ‘relative humidity.’ There is, of course, absolute humidity. But 99.9999% of the time when someone mentions humidity or how dry the air is, they are referring to relative humidity.
“He/they are both singular...”
Actually, if it meant they could carry, I’m sure they would be fine with it.
Sort of...
Terrible news. My thoughts are with his family and friends.
They are not nonsense. They are a good target for the average person. Yes, there are exceptions. I can assure you that anyone with common sense wouldn’t assume “hey, my spouse got laid off... I need less retirement.” Some common sense is assumed in these rules.
These absolutely take this into account. My retirement accounts are with Fidelity. They have the same type of goals. They specifically state these goals DO account for increases in salary. They do. They are also scaled for expenses, somewhat... because the more one makes the more they tend to spend.
You may want to hold the joking for a bit. This policy sounds a lot like Hulu. Check out the headaches this causes some Hulu customers (just search for ‘set hulu home network’ and see the issues some people have).
Well put!
Technical suggestion:
IF you must use an animated GIF, could you at least make itloop backward/forward for a smoother effect. This zoom-in / jump-to-start / zoom-in / jump-to-start hurts my eyes and brain.
Can we please stop using Twitter and FB as news sources. Just stop it.