
Back before this whole internet fad... a teenage version of myself mailed a prank letter (those were paper things that uniformed people carried from house to house) to a friend. The outside of the envelope read: “Herpes Test Results -Personal & Confidential -). I got the envelope at Spencers Gifts (remember that?).

“I never said that only Black photographers should shoot Black subjects. But generally, a Black photographer will most likely have a better understanding of lighting needs in that situation.”

Still a great skill to have, but don’t expect your youngest to turn into a daily jalopnik reader.”

“Thoughts and Prayers” is useless and stupid”

I, however, want my kids to grow up in a household with a manual transmission. Great life skill to have!”

The OP seems really bitter.  I completely agree.  You may not ‘approve’ of how these kids earned their money... but they certainly earned it.  I don’t get why people hate so much.  These kids didn’t rob or steal their money.  It was freely given to them for a service (entertainment, I guess) they provide.  Good for

I wanted to do this. Then I heard stories of car tires sticking to / marking up the epoxy during hot days (hot tires parked in garage... sit for a few days or a week... then when you move the car the epoxy has an imprint of the tire).

I use oxyclean on my stainless mug. A bit of warm water, a tablespoon of oxyclean, scrub it with a blue scotchbrite (not the more abrasive green). Takes all of 90 seconds about once a month.  Yeah, I wait until the stainless goes from shiny silver to matte brown before cleaning :-/

...the upcoming project is a prequel that centers on the life of a younger Furiosa.

“So, yeah, buyers have no idea of how leases, or math for that matter, work.”

HOAs exist for a reason. While often portrayed (rightfully) in a negative manner... they serve a legitimate purpose. “I don’t care what my neighbor does to her property” is OK until it’s not. Property values will quickly decline if grass doesn’t get mowed, cars end up on cinder blocks, broken windows don’t get fixed

No room for nuance here. If a white person inconveniences a black person... it is racism. 100% of the time. No questions asked.

School teachers, too.

“Plus...the “shadowing” looks off...”

Probably the fish-eye lens on the drone.

I have a squeegee hanging in my shower. I use it after every shower. Every time. It takes about 60s or less to do the whole shower. This drastically reduces any mildew. The little bit that does eventually appear, a quick wipe down with bleach spray on a wet cloth does it. I never have to scrub my shower.

I think a rear view camera *option* (before mandated) used to cost more than this entire vehicle.

Am I doing it?

“His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant...”

“...was ahead of his time in the wild world of sports, not necessarily for his playing style but for his antics on and off the field”